Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 30 May 2014 04:53 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 00:53:02 -0400
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Total of 72 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri May 30 00:53:02 EDT 2014
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  5.56% |    4 | 23.70% |   234287 | linda.dunbar@huawei.com
  4.17% |    3 | 15.72% |   155428 | kegray@cisco.com
  9.72% |    7 |  6.59% |    65146 | carlosm3011@gmail.com
  6.94% |    5 |  4.42% |    43666 | drc@virtualized.org
  6.94% |    5 |  4.38% |    43267 | touch@isi.edu
  6.94% |    5 |  4.24% |    41927 | mfidelman@meetinghouse.net
  6.94% |    5 |  3.45% |    34122 | sm+ietf@elandsys.com
  6.94% |    5 |  3.35% |    33147 | housley@vigilsec.com
  1.39% |    1 |  7.07% |    69923 | kreeger@cisco.com
  5.56% |    4 |  2.90% |    28687 | paul.hoffman@vpnc.org
  4.17% |    3 |  2.54% |    25079 | bmanning@isi.edu
  2.78% |    2 |  2.43% |    24006 | david.black@emc.com
  2.78% |    2 |  1.74% |    17198 | jabley@hopcount.ca
  2.78% |    2 |  1.66% |    16389 | paf@frobbit.se
  2.78% |    2 |  1.60% |    15769 | phill@hallambaker.com
  2.78% |    2 |  1.54% |    15197 | alejandroacostaalamo@gmail.com
  1.39% |    1 |  1.38% |    13689 | jari.arkko@ericsson.com
  1.39% |    1 |  1.09% |    10797 | ietf@trammell.ch
  1.39% |    1 |  1.04% |    10292 | fred.l.templin@boeing.com
  1.39% |    1 |  0.92% |     9129 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  1.39% |    1 |  0.92% |     9072 | chris.dearlove@baesystems.com
  1.39% |    1 |  0.87% |     8570 | marka@isc.org
  1.39% |    1 |  0.81% |     8037 | abdussalambaryun@gmail.com
  1.39% |    1 |  0.80% |     7902 | narten@us.ibm.com
  1.39% |    1 |  0.79% |     7793 | mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca
  1.39% |    1 |  0.76% |     7465 | bmanning@karoshi.com
  1.39% |    1 |  0.71% |     6992 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  1.39% |    1 |  0.67% |     6589 | cos@aaaaa.org
  1.39% |    1 |  0.65% |     6450 | randy_presuhn@mindspring.com
  1.39% |    1 |  0.63% |     6241 | scott.brim@gmail.com
  1.39% |    1 |  0.62% |     6160 | vesely@tana.it
100.00% |   72 |100.00% |   988416 | Total