Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 04 September 2015 04:53 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 04 Sep 2015 00:53:02 -0400
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Total of 62 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Sep  4 00:53:02 EDT 2015
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  8.06% |    5 |  7.36% |    42998 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  6.45% |    4 |  5.98% |    34925 | john-ietf@jck.com
  4.84% |    3 |  4.87% |    28467 | d3e3e3@gmail.com
  4.84% |    3 |  4.10% |    23946 | jari.arkko@piuha.net
  4.84% |    3 |  3.73% |    21760 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  3.23% |    2 |  5.24% |    30629 | warren@kumari.net
  3.23% |    2 |  5.07% |    29634 | david.black@emc.com
  4.84% |    3 |  3.45% |    20168 | adrian@olddog.co.uk
  3.23% |    2 |  3.43% |    20053 | zhangmingui@huawei.com
  3.23% |    2 |  2.96% |    17290 | peter@akayla.com
  3.23% |    2 |  2.94% |    17172 | harald@alvestrand.no
  3.23% |    2 |  2.84% |    16591 | sandy@tislabs.com
  3.23% |    2 |  2.70% |    15746 | rjsparks@nostrum.com
  1.61% |    1 |  4.01% |    23440 | giridhari@live.com.au
  3.23% |    2 |  2.26% |    13182 | olejacobsen@me.com
  1.61% |    1 |  3.40% |    19840 | g_e_montenegro@yahoo.com
  1.61% |    1 |  2.60% |    15164 | lear@cisco.com
  1.61% |    1 |  2.47% |    14454 | lixia@cs.ucla.edu
  1.61% |    1 |  2.25% |    13156 | sgeisler@google.com
  1.61% |    1 |  2.12% |    12383 | tony@att.com
  1.61% |    1 |  2.00% |    11702 | jabley@hopcount.ca
  1.61% |    1 |  1.96% |    11443 | mnot@mnot.net
  1.61% |    1 |  1.82% |    10653 | mary.h.barnes@gmail.com
  1.61% |    1 |  1.71% |    10017 | nico@cryptonector.com
  1.61% |    1 |  1.61% |     9384 | phill@hallambaker.com
  1.61% |    1 |  1.55% |     9068 | venkat.mahalingams@gmail.com
  1.61% |    1 |  1.48% |     8635 | superuser@gmail.com
  1.61% |    1 |  1.43% |     8347 | narten@us.ibm.com
  1.61% |    1 |  1.34% |     7856 | hagfish@hagfish.name
  1.61% |    1 |  1.34% |     7807 | weiler@watson.org
  1.61% |    1 |  1.27% |     7399 | afarrel@juniper.net
  1.61% |    1 |  1.23% |     7185 | loa@pi.nu
  1.61% |    1 |  1.22% |     7145 | jmh@joelhalpern.com
  1.61% |    1 |  1.18% |     6898 | melinda.shore@gmail.com
  1.61% |    1 |  1.18% |     6876 | ietf-secretariat@ietf.org
  1.61% |    1 |  1.16% |     6777 | stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie
  1.61% |    1 |  0.95% |     5536 | adam@nostrum.com
  1.61% |    1 |  0.92% |     5388 | mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
  1.61% |    1 |  0.86% |     5002 | johnl@taugh.com
100.00% |   62 |100.00% |   584116 | Total