Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 14 January 2011 05:50 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 00:53:02 -0500
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Total of 113 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Jan 14 00:53:02 EST 2011
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  0.88% |    1 | 35.69% |   447080 | fred@cisco.com
  9.73% |   11 |  4.45% |    55771 | julian.reschke@gmx.de
  5.31% |    6 |  3.68% |    46098 | hannes.tschofenig@gmx.net
  5.31% |    6 |  3.54% |    44394 | evnikita2@gmail.com
  5.31% |    6 |  2.82% |    35297 | tme@americafree.tv
  4.42% |    5 |  2.58% |    32259 | john-ietf@jck.com
  4.42% |    5 |  2.46% |    30757 | daedulus@btconnect.com
  3.54% |    4 |  3.25% |    40724 | lixia@cs.ucla.edu
  2.65% |    3 |  3.30% |    41392 | hallam@gmail.com
  3.54% |    4 |  1.59% |    19924 | ynir@checkpoint.com
  2.65% |    3 |  1.64% |    20599 | sm@resistor.net
  1.77% |    2 |  2.33% |    29148 | ben@nostrum.com
  2.65% |    3 |  1.10% |    13813 | dhc2@dcrocker.net
  2.65% |    3 |  1.08% |    13513 | doug@ewellic.org
  1.77% |    2 |  1.75% |    21975 | fluffy@cisco.com
  1.77% |    2 |  1.03% |    12934 | henk@ripe.net
  1.77% |    2 |  1.02% |    12837 | d3e3e3@gmail.com
  1.77% |    2 |  1.02% |    12814 | jmh@joelhalpern.com
  1.77% |    2 |  0.99% |    12388 | bob.hinden@gmail.com
  1.77% |    2 |  0.96% |    12026 | vesely@tana.it
  1.77% |    2 |  0.96% |    12020 | joelja@bogus.com
  1.77% |    2 |  0.90% |    11228 | adrian.farrel@huawei.com
  1.77% |    2 |  0.86% |    10808 | jdfalk-lists@cybernothing.org
  1.77% |    2 |  0.81% |    10137 | randy_presuhn@mindspring.com
  0.88% |    1 |  1.59% |    19881 | tobias.gondrom@gondrom.org
  0.88% |    1 |  1.29% |    16187 | eburger@standardstrack.com
  0.88% |    1 |  1.11% |    13937 | stpeter@stpeter.im
  0.88% |    1 |  1.09% |    13706 | william.polk@nist.gov
  0.88% |    1 |  0.88% |    11040 | lars.eggert@nokia.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.87% |    10920 | md3135@att.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.85% |    10686 | msrajesha@gmail.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.72% |     8963 | richard@shockey.us
  0.88% |    1 |  0.72% |     8958 | mstjohns@comcast.net
  0.88% |    1 |  0.68% |     8528 | krishnabirth@gmail.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.67% |     8390 | narten@us.ibm.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.63% |     7850 | tytso@mit.edu
  0.88% |    1 |  0.62% |     7809 | pekkas@netcore.fi
  0.88% |    1 |  0.62% |     7729 | mehmet.ersue@nsn.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.61% |     7654 | dyork@voxeo.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.57% |     7151 | framefritti@gmail.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.54% |     6791 | elwynd@dial.pipex.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.54% |     6759 | spencer@wonderhamster.org
  0.88% |    1 |  0.53% |     6634 | rja.lists@gmail.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.52% |     6510 | stig@venaas.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.47% |     5870 | huitema@microsoft.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.47% |     5848 | ole@cisco.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.46% |     5734 | loa@pi.nu
  0.88% |    1 |  0.45% |     5579 | lear@cisco.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.42% |     5241 | michelle.cotton@icann.org
  0.88% |    1 |  0.41% |     5134 | dworley@avaya.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.40% |     5044 | bidulock@openss7.org
  0.88% |    1 |  0.39% |     4857 | hannes.tschofenig@nsn.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.37% |     4667 | erosen@cisco.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.35% |     4395 | ajs@shinkuro.com
  0.88% |    1 |  0.35% |     4353 | john-lame@jck.com
100.00% |  113 |100.00% |  1252741 | Total