Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future ietf meetings
"James M. Polk" <> Fri, 06 August 2004 16:58 UTC
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Date: Fri, 06 Aug 2004 11:44:41 -0500
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At 01:00 AM 8/6/2004 -0400, Tony Hansen wrote: >The first time in recent years that we almost didn't have a sponsor was in >Adelaide (IETF 47, March 2000). > >So, what happened? In true IETF fashion, a bar BOF met, designed a >T-shirt, and made arrangements with a T-shirt shop a couple of blocks from >the convention center. Those people who wanted a T-shirt walked over >there, picked a T-shirt color, put in an order, paid their money, and got >a shirt a couple of days later. (It's definitely one of my most favorite >IETF shirts.) As one of the designers of the T-Shirt (along with Randy Stewart and Peter Lei): thanks! I agree. It is the one that I see most often now at meetings. There is some pride with that effort, not only that is prevails with folks wearing it, but that we actually did it and gave folks choices of colors and such. >I don't know exactly how many people wound up ordering their shirt this way, well over 1000 >but I know the owner worked numerous overtime hours to meet the demand. he was sweating - but making money all the way, so he didn't mind at all. cheers, James ******************* Truth is not to be argued... it is to be presented _______________________________________________ Ietf mailing list
- T-shirts, and some suggestions for future ietf me… Tony Hansen
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Hadmut Danisch
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Jari Arkko
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Tim Chown
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Iljitsch van Beijnum
- RE: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Michel Py
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Michael Richardson
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… James M. Polk
- YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for futu… Hadmut Danisch
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Ben Crosby
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… John Loughney
- Re: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Alexandru Petrescu
- Re: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Dave Aronson
- RE: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Dr Harsh Verma
- Re: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … grenville armitage
- Re: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Ben Crosby
- RE: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Glen Zorn
- Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Michael Richardson
- RE: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Daniel Senie
- RE: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… shogunx
- Re: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Hadmut Danisch
- RE: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Desiree Miloshevic
- RE: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Paul Hoffman / VPNC
- Re: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Melinda Shore
- Re: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Charles E.Perkins
- Re: YATS? Re: T-shirts, and some suggestions for … Ole Jacobsen
- RE: T-shirts, and some suggestions for future iet… Tony Hain