Re: Last Call on draft-bradner-rfc3979bis-08.txt ("Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology")

Brian E Carpenter <> Thu, 31 March 2016 02:52 UTC

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Subject: Re: Last Call on draft-bradner-rfc3979bis-08.txt ("Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology")
To: Russ Housley <>, Scott Bradner <>
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From: Brian E Carpenter <>
Organization: University of Auckland
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Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 15:52:21 +1300
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On 31/03/2016 10:13, Russ Housley wrote:
> Scott:
> At IETF 86 in the IPRbis BOF, the minutes reflect fe following conclusion:
>    Strong sense of the room that active influence counts as participation,
>    but listening and watching does not.
> So, one might argue that an AD can be unaware that a particular document includes something that needs to be disclosed up to the point that they take some action on that document, such as sponsoring it.

Yes, but is that an issue? The AD is only required to disclose when
she is "reasonably and personally aware" of the need for a disclosure,
which will presumably become the case when she actually reads the draft
(or sees the slides that describe the technology in question).

> Can you point to a discussion on the other side of this point?
> Russ
> On Mar 30, 2016, at 12:28 PM, Scott Bradner <> wrote:
>> this was the (strong?) consensus of the IPR BOF
>> Scott
>>> On Mar 30, 2016, at 11:49 AM, Gonzalo Camarillo <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Section 1 (Definitions), subsection k says the following:
>>>>     Without limiting the generality of the
>>>>     foregoing, acting as a working group chair or Area Director
>>>>     constitutes "Participating" in all activities of the relevant
>>>>     working group or area.
>>> The AD of a large area may not get to read all individual I-Ds or all
>>> email messages sent in all the WGs of the area. We may want to define
>>> this a bit more explicitly.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Gonzalo
>>> On 22/03/2016 2:17 PM, Jari Arkko wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> RFC 3979 was published in 2005. Since then we’ve gathered a lot of experience, and we’d like to update the RFC with that experience. This isn’t a revolution of the IETF IPR approach, it is mostly about clarification, better documentation, and recognising some other new RFCs and changes. But the document itself has changed quite a lot and structured differently than RFC 3979 was.
>>>> Some of the main issues (such as how to define participation) were discussed in the IETF-87 meeting, but there are also a number of other changes in this document. Please give this document a careful read, and let us know your feedback.
>>>> I am starting a last call on this document today, but gave a longer last call period to make sure everyone has enough time to comment after IETF-95 as well. And thanks for the comments that some of you have already sent after the document was published; we’ve observed them and will make them part of the feedback from the Last Call.
>>>> The document is available here:
>>>> Jari Arkko (as the responsible AD for this document)