Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 09 January 2009 05:53 UTC

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Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 00:53:01 -0500
From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org
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Total of 41 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Jan  9 00:53:01 EST 2009
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  4.88% |    2 | 40.44% |   204592 | edj.etc@gmail.com
 12.20% |    5 |  9.83% |    49725 | john-ietf@jck.com
  9.76% |    4 |  5.50% |    27851 | ekr@networkresonance.com
  7.32% |    3 |  4.99% |    25244 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  4.88% |    2 |  5.03% |    25442 | leslie@thinkingcat.com
  4.88% |    2 |  3.12% |    15809 | johnl@iecc.com
  4.88% |    2 |  2.86% |    14474 | dhc2@dcrocker.net
  4.88% |    2 |  1.99% |    10074 | mcquilwp@pobox.com
  2.44% |    1 |  2.73% |    13806 | tglassey@earthlink.net
  2.44% |    1 |  2.49% |    12585 | d3e3e3@gmail.com
  2.44% |    1 |  2.43% |    12275 | stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie
  2.44% |    1 |  2.00% |    10121 | jounikor@gmail.com
  2.44% |    1 |  1.68% |     8520 | denghui02@gmail.com
  2.44% |    1 |  1.57% |     7959 | remi.despres@free.fr
  2.44% |    1 |  1.25% |     6331 | sm@resistor.net
  2.44% |    1 |  1.19% |     6007 | ben@estacado.net
  2.44% |    1 |  1.18% |     5959 | ned+ietf@mauve.mrochek.com
  2.44% |    1 |  1.17% |     5932 | narten@us.ibm.com
  2.44% |    1 |  1.14% |     5759 | mcr@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca
  2.44% |    1 |  1.10% |     5543 | housley@vigilsec.com
  2.44% |    1 |  1.03% |     5215 | eric.fleischman@boeing.com
  2.44% |    1 |  0.99% |     5020 | hhelvoort@huawei.com
  2.44% |    1 |  0.96% |     4860 | rpelletier@isoc.org
  2.44% |    1 |  0.96% |     4833 | tme@multicasttech.com
  2.44% |    1 |  0.92% |     4663 | jhutz@cmu.edu
  2.44% |    1 |  0.82% |     4151 | iljitsch@muada.com
  2.44% |    1 |  0.64% |     3215 | iab-chair@ietf.org
100.00% |   41 |100.00% |   505965 | Total
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