Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 18 April 2014 04:53 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 00:53:02 -0400
To: ietf@ietf.org
Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org
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Total of 333 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Apr 18 00:53:02 EDT 2014
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
 13.81% |   46 | 11.01% |   352055 | mfidelman@meetinghouse.net
  6.61% |   22 |  5.18% |   165582 | johnl@taugh.com
  5.71% |   19 |  5.46% |   174711 | superuser@gmail.com
  3.60% |   12 |  5.39% |   172371 | mhammer@ag.com
  4.80% |   16 |  3.45% |   110360 | tytso@mit.edu
  3.30% |   11 |  4.11% |   131557 | dave@cridland.net
  3.90% |   13 |  3.18% |   101792 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  3.30% |   11 |  3.53% |   112824 | hsantos@isdg.net
  0.30% |    1 |  5.94% |   189934 | kathleen.moriarty.ietf@gmail.com
  2.70% |    9 |  2.02% |    64650 | mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca
  2.40% |    8 |  2.09% |    66759 | sm+ietf@elandsys.com
  2.40% |    8 |  2.03% |    64900 | ned+ietf@mauve.mrochek.com
  2.10% |    7 |  1.65% |    52708 | dougb@dougbarton.us
  1.20% |    4 |  2.48% |    79209 | seth.p.johnson@gmail.com
  1.50% |    5 |  2.03% |    64985 | doug.mtview@gmail.com
  1.80% |    6 |  1.60% |    51254 | ynir.ietf@gmail.com
  0.90% |    3 |  2.14% |    68602 | bclaise@cisco.com
  1.50% |    5 |  1.38% |    44016 | aldrin.ietf@gmail.com
  1.50% |    5 |  1.32% |    42297 | presnick@qti.qualcomm.com
  1.50% |    5 |  1.28% |    40930 | listsebby@me.com
  1.20% |    4 |  1.52% |    48654 | abdussalambaryun@gmail.com
  1.50% |    5 |  1.19% |    38044 | scott@kitterman.com
  1.20% |    4 |  1.47% |    47008 | david.black@emc.com
  1.50% |    5 |  1.11% |    35519 | john-ietf@jck.com
  1.50% |    5 |  1.06% |    34047 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  1.20% |    4 |  1.32% |    42162 | nobo@cisco.com
  1.20% |    4 |  1.12% |    35760 | rwfranks@acm.org
  0.90% |    3 |  1.39% |    44407 | tnadeau@lucidvision.com
  0.90% |    3 |  1.32% |    42195 | douglasroyer@gmail.com
  1.20% |    4 |  1.02% |    32589 | spencerdawkins.ietf@gmail.com
  1.20% |    4 |  0.84% |    26839 | mrex@sap.com
  1.20% |    4 |  0.80% |    25569 | dcrocker@bbiw.net
  0.60% |    2 |  1.27% |    40515 | andy@yumaworks.com
  0.90% |    3 |  0.77% |    24542 | ietf@thomasclausen.org
  0.90% |    3 |  0.70% |    22302 | johnl@iecc.com
  0.90% |    3 |  0.69% |    22132 | hallam@gmail.com
  0.90% |    3 |  0.66% |    21029 | ted.lemon@nominum.com
  0.90% |    3 |  0.65% |    20882 | l.wood@surrey.ac.uk
  0.90% |    3 |  0.60% |    19332 | wes@mti-systems.com
  0.60% |    2 |  0.72% |    23107 | dmm@1-4-5.net
  0.60% |    2 |  0.47% |    14985 | marka@isc.org
  0.60% |    2 |  0.46% |    14738 | worley@ariadne.com
  0.60% |    2 |  0.45% |    14302 | vesely@tana.it
  0.60% |    2 |  0.41% |    13155 | cabo@tzi.org
  0.60% |    2 |  0.39% |    12408 | jhaas@pfrc.org
  0.30% |    1 |  0.68% |    21632 | cdel@firsthand.net
  0.60% |    2 |  0.35% |    11148 | iab-chair@iab.org
  0.30% |    1 |  0.64% |    20386 | wesley.george@twcable.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.62% |    19676 | spromano@unina.it
  0.30% |    1 |  0.58% |    18645 | r.e.sonneveld@sonnection.nl
  0.30% |    1 |  0.49% |    15752 | hector.santos45@yahoo.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.44% |    14225 | mars.techno.cat@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.37% |    11767 | aaron.ding@cl.cam.ac.uk
  0.30% |    1 |  0.36% |    11543 | tjw.ietf@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.34% |    10882 | akatlas@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.29% |     9374 | narten@us.ibm.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.27% |     8622 | warren@kumari.net
  0.30% |    1 |  0.26% |     8352 | rpelletier@isoc.org
  0.30% |    1 |  0.25% |     8136 | agmalis@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.25% |     8108 | jari.arkko@piuha.net
  0.30% |    1 |  0.25% |     7942 | fergie@people.ops-trust.net
  0.30% |    1 |  0.24% |     7758 | serrhini@mail.ru
  0.30% |    1 |  0.24% |     7644 | rwfranks@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.23% |     7428 | thomas@thomasclausen.org
  0.30% |    1 |  0.23% |     7405 | melinda.shore@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.22% |     7161 | scott.brim@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.22% |     6953 | hartmans-ietf@mit.edu
  0.30% |    1 |  0.21% |     6806 | stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie
  0.30% |    1 |  0.21% |     6744 | fenton@bluepopcorn.net
  0.30% |    1 |  0.21% |     6679 | adrian@olddog.co.uk
  0.30% |    1 |  0.21% |     6619 | jelte.jansen@sidn.nl
  0.30% |    1 |  0.21% |     6576 | abhishekv.verma@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.20% |     6503 | olejacobsen@me.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.20% |     6336 | bzeeb-lists@lists.zabbadoz.net
  0.30% |    1 |  0.20% |     6249 | randy_presuhn@mindspring.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.19% |     6134 | syedalisuleman@gmail.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.18% |     5874 | tglassey@earthlink.net
  0.30% |    1 |  0.17% |     5476 | randy@psg.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.16% |     5249 | kent@bbn.com
  0.30% |    1 |  0.16% |     5020 | rjsparks@nostrum.com
100.00% |  333 |100.00% |  3198522 | Total