Revised IAOC Administrative Procedures draft

Bob Hinden <> Fri, 13 August 2010 00:56 UTC

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Subject: Revised IAOC Administrative Procedures draft
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The IAOC solicits feedback on the revised Administrative Procedures draft that is attached.

An early draft was sent to the community for comment on 28 May 2010.  Many comments received were about how this relates to BCP101, if the IAOC was changing BCP101, creating new rules, or clarifying areas where BCP101 was not clear.  The attached draft should clarify these comments. 

In most cases, it includes the relevant BCP101 text and then describes how the IAOC is implementing this.  There are a few cases where BCP101 does not provide specific guidance.  In these cases the Administrative Procedures describes what the IAOC is doing as BCP101 requires.

The first paragraph of the Administrative Procedures states:

   RFC 4071 (BCP 101) is the governing authority for IASA, the IAOC and
   the IAD. It contains clear direction and guidance, but not all the
   details required for the day-to-day operation of the IETF
   Administrative Support Activity. BCP 101 section 3.4 specifically
   tasks the IAOC to decide the details about its decision-making rules
   and making them public. These Procedures are in response to that
   requirement, and are further intended to provide clarity for the IAOC
   and IAD in the execution of operational responsibilities. Further,
   these procedures are not intended to change BCP 101; that would
   require another BCP in accordance with section 2.4.

We hope this version resolves the concerns raised about the earlier version.

Bob Hinden
IAOC Chair

p.s. I will be on vacation starting next week and will respond to comments when I return.