unsubscription instructions
"Perry E. Metzger" <perry@piermont.com> Thu, 15 July 1999 18:10 UTC
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Subject: unsubscription instructions
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From: "Perry E. Metzger" <perry@piermont.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 14:05:32 -0400
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Re: whether to include unsubscription instructions in every message: In summary, my opinion used to be "no" but now is "yes." The "users@ipv6.org" mailing list gets at least ten messages directed at it every day saying "subscribe", in spite of the fact that the only place the list is publicized has explicit, clear, LOUD instructions saying to send mail to majordomo. Luckily, the list has a filter that catches such things before they bother the readership. In spite of all attempts to educate the users, "unsubscribe" messages began to hit in the same way. Realizing that it was easier to switch than fight, I decided, with considerable reluctance, to make that list put a footer on every message saying how to unsubscribe. It is just two lines long, but it helps a lot. I *still* get messages from people directed to the wrong place, mind you (they are mostly caught by the list's filters) but the number is dramatically lower. Majordomo, which is used (I believe) for the IETF's mailing list, has a built in feature to let you do this. As much as I hate admitting we live in an age where "internet engineers" can't figure out how to unsubscribe from a mailing list they subscribed to in the first place, I now believe it would not be entirely unreasonable to turn the feature on. It will only take a minute or two of someone's time. Perry
- unsubscription instructions Perry E. Metzger