RE: Varying meeting venue -- why?

Hadriel Kaplan <> Fri, 20 August 2010 13:53 UTC

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From: Hadriel Kaplan <>
To: "John R. Levine" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 09:54:03 -0400
Subject: RE: Varying meeting venue -- why?
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It was a joke.  I was being sarcastic that if train service was sufficient for Maastricht, then bus service should suffice as well. (and yes I've been to Ithaca/Cornell but I drove there)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: John R. Levine [] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 6:41 PM
> To: Hadriel Kaplan
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: Varying meeting venue -- why?
> > If someone offered to sponsor a meeting there, I bet the IETF would 
> > consider it.  First, it actually has an airport, and second 
> there is 
> > alternative public transportation: bus service from Syracuse, 
> > Rochester, Buffalo, etc.  That should fit right in with Maastricht.
> I get the strong impression you've never been to Ithaca.  If 
> you can't get a spot on one of the small planes that flies to 
> the Ithaca airport you will find that it is so slow and 
> painful to get here from the airpots in Syracuse, Rochester, 
> Binghamton, Elmira, or Buffalo that it's easier to fly into 
> NYC and take the five hour bus trip from there.  One time I 
> rented a car in Ithaca and dropped it off in Rochester two 
> hours later, paying a drop fee, because that was far easier 
> and cheaper than any alternative.
> It's a swell place to live, but it'd be miserable for a large 
> meeting. 
> It's not Maastricht, even after Maastricht gets rid of the 
> drug tourism.
> R's,
> John