Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 20 August 2010 04:52 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 00:53:01 -0400
To: ietf@ietf.org
Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org
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Total of 70 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Aug 20 00:53:01 EDT 2010
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
 11.43% |    8 | 10.52% |    45366 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  7.14% |    5 |  6.91% |    29787 | ole@cisco.com
  7.14% |    5 |  6.74% |    29055 | fred@cisco.com
  5.71% |    4 |  6.51% |    28075 | rdroms.ietf@gmail.com
  5.71% |    4 |  5.26% |    22685 | daedulus@btconnect.com
  4.29% |    3 |  6.43% |    27732 | phil@nesser.com
  5.71% |    4 |  4.13% |    17820 | johnl@iecc.com
  4.29% |    3 |  4.49% |    19344 | jmamodio@gmail.com
  2.86% |    2 |  5.65% |    24378 | bernard_aboba@hotmail.com
  4.29% |    3 |  3.86% |    16640 | john@jck.com
  2.86% |    2 |  2.53% |    10911 | rcallon@juniper.net
  2.86% |    2 |  2.38% |    10262 | stewe@stewe.org
  1.43% |    1 |  2.86% |    12325 | mary.ietf.barnes@gmail.com
  1.43% |    1 |  2.03% |     8769 | klensin@jck.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.93% |     8304 | huitema@microsoft.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.88% |     8095 | narten@us.ibm.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.66% |     7163 | mnot@mnot.net
  1.43% |    1 |  1.58% |     6835 | fernando@gont.com.ar
  1.43% |    1 |  1.57% |     6773 | joelja@bogus.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.43% |     6183 | jpv@cisco.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.40% |     6036 | sm@resistor.net
  1.43% |    1 |  1.33% |     5752 | akatlas@gmail.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.31% |     5660 | turners@ieca.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.29% |     5571 | hartmans-ietf@mit.edu
  1.43% |    1 |  1.26% |     5450 | alexandru.petrescu@gmail.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.24% |     5350 | lixia@cs.ucla.edu
  1.43% |    1 |  1.23% |     5287 | jari.arkko@piuha.net
  1.43% |    1 |  1.20% |     5186 | mstjohns@comcast.net
  1.43% |    1 |  1.20% |     5163 | scott.brim@gmail.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.14% |     4929 | mansaxel@besserwisser.org
  1.43% |    1 |  1.10% |     4744 | jdfalk-lists@cybernothing.org
  1.43% |    1 |  1.09% |     4695 | julian.reschke@gmx.de
  1.43% |    1 |  1.08% |     4654 | spencer@wonderhamster.org
  1.43% |    1 |  1.05% |     4515 | hkaplan@acmepacket.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.02% |     4413 | suresh.krishnan@ericsson.com
  1.43% |    1 |  1.01% |     4336 | paf@cisco.com
  1.43% |    1 |  0.70% |     3025 | iad@ietf.org
100.00% |   70 |100.00% |   431268 | Total