Re: IETF Nominations Committee Chair - 2012 - 2013
Abdussalam Baryun <> Thu, 05 July 2012 11:32 UTC
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Subject: Re: IETF Nominations Committee Chair - 2012 - 2013
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+1 I agree to work with you, internet community and Mr.Matthew Lepinski, to progress the process for nominations, and make it successful, AB ====================================================== If people work together as a team, best practices and success are reached ====================================================== > > Mehmet, > > > In my experience, the most important characteristic for a nomcom chair > is the ability to lead a group of 10 volunteers (usually with a > significant variation of experience in IETF) through the process as > defined by RFC 3777 (and 5680). It can be good for a chair to have > past Nomcom experience, but I do not believe that is a hard > requirement (I had never served on a Nomcom before I was chair). It > can be good for a Nomcom chair to have been a WG chair as they can > understand more about the process. BUT, the chair is not the decision > maker - the voting members are - the most important thing is for the > chair to be able to facilitate the process as defined. It's far more > important for the voting members to have that knowledge than the > chair. Now, it can be more challenging if a chair hasn't been > involved in IETF for a while, but AFAIK, Matt has been involved in the > RAI area (as a participant/contributor) for a while and if you google > you can find he's also been involved in the Security area on the > SECDIR. You can see the work he's been involved in here in > authorstats: > > > > Honestly, one of the most important aspect of the Nomcom process is > for the Nomcom to get community feedback. You can read my report from > 2009-2010 and that is an issue as the information that the nomcom is > working with typically is extremely incomplete. Many nomcom voting > members have little experience with interviewing and hiring > "employees". You also have to keep in mind that the past Nomcom chair > serves as an advisor for the current Nomcom chair, which dramatically > reduces the risk in the case that the appointed chair runs into > problems. > > > I sincerely thank Matt for his willingness to take on this task as it > requires a tremendous time commitment and dedication to do well. > > > Regards, > Mary. > > > On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 4:18 AM, Ersue, Mehmet (NSN - DE/Munich) > <mehmet.ersue at> wrote: > > Hi, > > > > it’s time again for Nomcom. Congrats and good luck to Matt Lepinski. > > I have to admit I don’t know him. I assume this is my issue as I’m an > OPS guy and not much involved in atoca or geopriv. > > > > Having been active in two Nomcoms, I am wondering what a useful > selection criteria for a Nomcom chair could be. > > Having experience as a WG chair or having been active as Nomcom voting > member? > > I can imagine a retired AD would enjoy it and do an excellent job in > this position. > > > > Cheers, > Mehmet >
- RE: IETF Nominations Committee Chair - 2012 - 2013 Ersue, Mehmet (NSN - DE/Munich)
- Re: IETF Nominations Committee Chair - 2012 - 2013 Mary Barnes
- Re: IETF Nominations Committee Chair - 2012 - 2013 Randy Bush
- RE: IETF Nominations Committee Chair - 2012 - 2013 Ersue, Mehmet (NSN - DE/Munich)
- Re: IETF Nominations Committee Chair - 2012 - 2013 Abdussalam Baryun