Out-of-area ADs [Re: IETF areas re-organisation steps]

Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com> Fri, 26 December 2014 18:51 UTC

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Subject: Out-of-area ADs [Re: IETF areas re-organisation steps]
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On 26/12/2014 08:25, IETF Chair wrote:
> The IESG proposes
> to experiment with this approach initially by shifting to out-of-area ADs for
> RADEXT, DIME, LMAP, and ANIMA, perhaps with another few WGs to follow.

I have some doubt whether this approach should ever be considered
normal, rather than exceptional. If it becomes considered normal, it
would imply that our assignment of WGs to Areas, and of ADs to Areas,
are often incorrect.

There is also a practical aspect - meeting scheduling. At the moment,
a rough-and-ready rule is: never schedule more than 2 sessions for the
same Area at the same time, which guarantees that an AD is available
for each sessions. With numerous out-of-area ADs, this aspect of
scheduling will become very complicated.

I have a specific concern about considering an out-of-area AD for
ANIMA. It's a new WG and the current AD invested heavily in the
chartering process. I would be very concerned about changing that
before the WG is well established.
