Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your comments on ...
Ken Raeburn <raeburn@MIT.EDU> Mon, 26 January 2009 17:37 UTC
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On Jan 26, 2009, at 12:14, John C Klensin wrote: > If common sense were relevant here (and it may not be), Fred > gets notified of the Note Well and any changes to it in the > following cases: If Fred cc's an IETF mailing list he's not on because a discussion on another list has turned to how the IETF's FUBAR working group messed up a spec (and maybe someone else did the first CC, and Fred's just doing a reply-all), maybe he'll never see it at all, or only after his "contribution" goes through. That might be an argument for restricting posting to subscribers only. At least some mailing list management software will let you put yourself on a list but flagged as not to receive mail, if you already read it through some other means (local bulletin board, web archives, etc). Getting onto the list could be the way one indicates that one has read the Note Well text, which was sent along with the link to click to confirm blah blah blah. I find subscriber-only-posting lists kind of annoying sometimes, but if we do want to impose certain requirements on those who post, maybe it's an easy way to do it. Ken _______________________________________________ Ietf mailing list
- RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… John C Klensin
- ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your comme… Ed Juskevicius
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… John C Klensin
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Simon Josefsson
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Scott Brim
- RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Contreras, Jorge
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Paul Hoffman
- Document posting schedule pragmatics (was: Re: AN… John C Klensin
- RE: Document posting schedule pragmatics (was: Re… Ed Juskevicius
- RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Dave Nelson
- RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… John C Klensin
- RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Dave Nelson
- RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… John C Klensin
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… John Levine
- RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Dave Nelson
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Doug Ewell
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Paul Hoffman
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Dave CROCKER
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Theodore Tso
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… John C Klensin
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Ken Raeburn
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Sam Hartman
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Paul Hoffman
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Dave CROCKER
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… John C Klensin
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… SM
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Stephen Farrell
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Dean Willis
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… Dean Willis
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your c… John C Klensin