On the TLS authorization proposed standard
Pedro José Ponce de León <pierre@ua.es> Mon, 09 February 2009 21:14 UTC
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From: Pedro José Ponce de León <pierre@ua.es>
Subject: On the TLS authorization proposed standard
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 22:14:17 +0100
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Dear IETF committee members, In February 2006, a standard for "TLS authorization" was introduced in the IETF for consideration. Very late in the discussion, a company called RedPhone Security disclosed (this disclosure has subsequently been unpublished from the IETF website) that they applied for a patent which would need to be licensed to anyone wanting to practice the standard. After this disclosure, the proposal was rejected. Despite claims that RedPhone have offered a license for implementation of this protocol, users of this protocol would still be threatened by the patent. The IETF should continue to oppose this standard until RedPhone provide a royalty-free license for all users. Sincerely yours, ------------------------------------------- Pedro J. Ponce de León Amador Dpto. de lenguajes y sistemas informáticos Universidad de Alicante - E03080 Spain Tlf: +34 965 903400, ext. 2981 -------------------------------------------
- On the TLS authorization proposed standard Pedro José Ponce de León