Re: Internet 2020 Goals

joel jaeggli <> Mon, 19 May 2014 00:23 UTC

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To: "Niels Dettenbach (Syndicat IT&Internet)" <>, Ofer Inbar <>, Phillip Hallam-Baker <>
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On 5/18/14, 12:53 AM, Niels Dettenbach (Syndicat IT&Internet) wrote:
> On 18. Mai 2014 04:59:03 MESZ, Ofer Inbar <> wrote:
>> The Internet isn't just for everyone to use, but also, the Internet
>> is for all of its "users" to *develop*.  The Internet is for
>> participants.
> ACK, but exactly these and similiar terms remembers me about the "Web
> 2.0" pseudo-paradigm with which "IT-analysts" and "experts" tried to
> make us happy some years ago, but the result was a new set of
> centralized, proprietary internet services like the "social media"
> gigants which - by the end of the day - made connectivity between
> peoples not easier nor flexible at all.

You're confusing outcomes and causes...

analysts don't make large economies of scale attractive, numbers do.

> Why i.e. in 2014 it is still not possible for users to have just
> "one" data record as their "primary internet address" on their i.e.
> business card (and this while having full freedom about where/on
> which server/provider having which service or part of service - i.e.
> in the old "fashioned" form of user@host (like in Email)?
> By RFCs and i.e. DNS infrastructure there still ARE enough open
> standards / protocols allowing (simplified) to "phone" or "talk"
> (SIP/RTP,  XMPP etc.), to "email" (SMTP), to "publish content" (HTTP,
> FTP, DAV etc.) or even "authenticate"/"sign" and much more over the
> same "address" and but by practice most of that lacks of realized
> interoperability of systems (i.e. most phones - devices and networks
> - still did not allow to input / process alphanumerics), XMPP is in a
> minor market position and "SIP is not SIP".  The DNS still offers
> features covering most of such an "address resolution" but not all
> client software can handle DNS so far.
> The "web 2.0" aera brought "single points of contacts" for users, but
> most users have more then a hand full of different "contact
> addresses", URIs to "be reachable" for different audiences of
> different customers of different service providers. A business card
> is as long as never before in many situations.
> Is'nt that "crazy"?
> A similiar situation we have in the widely proprietary "internet
> search market" where we was "going away" from former (and outdated)
> protocols/standards without something new, leaded to a oligopolized
> commercial search infrastructure and it could'nt be a "solution" to
> have more and more web spiders/robots running each web site or
> internet ressources, generating more and more overhead for more and
> more data redundancy in practice  (tried to concept a open
> "solution" on some times ago with a couple of
> colleagues).
> What i want to say here: There is a lot of further potential even in
> "old" and sometimes called "outdated" standards which we did not used
> in their full potential. On the other hand slightly standard
> extensions could offer a huge amount of user flexibility/freedom and
> ergonomics in practice for any user.
> Just my two cents...
> best regards,
> Niels