Re: [EAI] I-D Action: draft-ietf-eai-mailinglistbis-00.txt

John C Klensin <> Thu, 24 November 2011 12:42 UTC

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Speaking strictly personally as an instance of "other people"...

--On Wednesday, November 23, 2011 12:14 -0500 "John R. Levine"
<> wrote:

>> Where does using a percent-encoded instead of a punycoded
>> <ihost> help wrt mailing lists?  So far I think you can
>> either keep UTF-8 "as is" or "get it right" (= 3987 + 5890).
> I still prefer to let other people weigh in on this.

In part because has historically meant
something special in email (where "bar" could easily be, e.g.,
61 or 62 with as a routing) and in part
because we just wanted to avoid the risks and attack vectors
associated with multiple encodings, we have strongly discouraged
use of %-encodings and other tricks wrt email addresses.  The
"discussion" last week in the IRI WG that illustrated the
non-equivalence in different environments between a string in
U-label form, one in A-label form, and one that was %-encoded
further illustrates the desirability of a "just get it right"
approach.   Pop-imap-downgrade illustrates the possibility of
using the more mail-like approach of encoded words rather than
%-encoding, especially %-encoded UTF-8.

So my preferences is close to Frank's.

--On Wednesday, November 23, 2011 16:32 +0000 John Levine
<> wrote:

>> | Downgrading list headers
>> Should that get a reference to the pop-imap-downgrade draft?
> Dunno, what do other people think.

Not unless you decide to use encoded words.  And maybe not then.
pop-imap-downgrade is designed to be applicable to communication
with remote mail reading clients by the mail store or delivery

Again, just personal opinions at this point.
