[EAI] EAI implementations and interoperability testing

Yoshiro YONEYA <yone@jprs.co.jp> Thu, 13 March 2008 18:40 UTC

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Dear all,

Followings are summary of EAI implementations that CNNIC, TWNC and JPRS 
are developing for protocol evaluation.  I think it is a good timing to 
start interoperability test.  Please let me know if you have implementation 
and wish to start interoperability test with.

We don't have test scenarios and test cases yet, but I think a few 
typical cases will be enough at the very beginning, for example a UA 
sends an EAI message to a MSA/MTA.  Any comments and suggestions are 

		    CNNIC's current implementation

Impls: @penWebmail                                        @penWebmail
        simple UA     Hacked-Postfix     Hacked-Postfix    MailStore
Docs:    [S+U+d]         [S+U+d]            [S+U+d]          [S+U]
Funcs:      UA============>MSA===============>MDA------------->UA
Proto:         submission          SMTP            file(mbox)

UA: @penWebmail or a simple mail user agent developed by CNNIC

[S]: draft-ietf-eai-smtpext
[U]: draft-ietf-eai-utf8headers
[D]: draft-ietf-eai-dsn
[d]: draft-ietf-eai-downgrade
[P]: draft-ietf-eai-pop

The sender uses openweb or a simple UA to submit the message to postfix
SMTP server which sends the message to the remote SMTP server.
The remote SMTP server(postfix) delivers the message to Open Web or
Mailstore. The reciver get the message via Open Web or MailStroe.

                        TWNIC's implementation

Tools:                                    (Procmail)
Impls:                Hacked-Semdmail
      @penWebmail       +MIMEdefang                        @penWebmail
Docs:   [S+U]            [S+U+d]                             [S+U]
Funcs:     UA============>MSA/MTA============>MDA------------->UA
Proto:        submission  |   ^    local            file(mbox)
               (SMTP)     |   |
                      SMTP|   |SMTP
                          v   |

[S]: draft-ietf-eai-smtpext
[U]: draft-ietf-eai-utf8headers
[D]: draft-ietf-eai-dsn
[d]: draft-ietf-eai-downgrade
[P]: draft-ietf-eai-pop

MTA uses INET or SOCKET to commicate with Milter Program, each SMTP
protocol negotiation  can be injected Milter procudure, such as EHLO,
And Milter can get all ESMTP arguments such as (`NOTIFY` ,`ORCPT`...
for 250-DSN, `BY` for 250-DELIVERBY, `AUTH` for SASL)

Hack in sendmail was to relax all ascii (0x00~0xff) checks and 
MIMEdefang (Milter program) fetchs all ESMTP arguments.

                         JPRS' implementation

Tools: (text editor+)                                       (IM+)
Impls:  Sender           Submission      SMTPreceiver         Downgrade
Docs:    [S+U]            [S+U+d]            [S+U]            [S+U+e]
Funcs:      UA============>MSA===============>MDA------------->UA
Proto:         submission        SMTP             file(Maildir)

[S]: draft-ietf-eai-smtpext
[U]: draft-ietf-eai-utf8headers
[D]: draft-ietf-eai-dsn
[d]: draft-ietf-eai-downgrade
[P]: draft-ietf-eai-pop
[e]: draft-(ietf|fujiwara)-eai-downgraded-display

The Sender program reads the target SMTP/Submission server address,
SMTP commands, SMTP Data from given files.  File format and usages are
described in the Sender program. Try perldoc Sender.

The email originator must write complete message/global message with
envelope and destination server information using text editors.  The
SMTPsender program send the specified message to the specified
SMTP/submission server.  It does not check UTF8SMTP option.

Submission program waits on the submission port, processes SMTP
submission, sends messages to the the recipients' MDA.  It does not
support DSN and error bouncing.  It is invoked by inetd.  If the
recipient does not support UTF8SMTP extension, Submission program
tries to downgrade.

SMTPreceiver waits on the SMTP port, and receives messages to the
local recipients' mailboxes.  It is invoked by inetd.  The mailbox
format is Maildir.

Downgrade program can perform UTF8SMTP downgrading and display
downgraded messages.

IM program can read user's mailboxes into MH style mailboxes.  It can
handle UTF8 messages, as is.  Users can manipulate messages using
imls, imcat commands.

'imcat <number> | Downgrade -2' decodes downgraded message.

IM is an Email client interface programs developed by IM development team.

Downgrade, SMTPreceiver, Sender, Submission are developed by
Kazunori Fujiwara, JPRS.


I prepared my Email address. Please send me UTF8SMTP emails.

   code: U+85E4 U+539F @ U+65E5 U+672C U+8A9E .dnslab.jp
   UTF8: \xe8\x97\xa4\xe5\x8e\x9f@\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e.dnslab.jp



Yoshiro YONEYA <yone@jprs.co.jp>

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