[EAI] POP/IMAP authentication?
Shawn Steele <Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com> Tue, 30 June 2009 20:01 UTC
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From: Shawn Steele <Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com>
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I’m leaving my comfort area ☺ Replying to Yao Jiankang’s draft, it occurred to me that the alt-address probably needs to be allowed on authentication for email accounts during the “transition period”. So if I have a Unicode address for my EAI mailbox, I may need to use the alt-address to logon from my non-EAI-aware IMAP/POP client (might take a while to update my phone). I didn’t see that discussed in a quick peek at the IMAP/POP drafts. - Shawn http://blogs.msdn.com/shawnste
- [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Shawn Steele
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Harald Tveit Alvestrand
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Shawn Steele
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Barry Leiba
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Daniel Taharlev
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Shawn Steele
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Randall Gellens
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Harald Alvestrand
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Xiaodong Lee
- Re: [EAI] POP/IMAP authentication? Barry Leiba