[imapext] Review of draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc2088bis-02
S Moonesamy <sm+ietf@elandsys.com> Wed, 02 March 2016 06:40 UTC
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Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2016 22:38:46 -0800
To: Alexey Melnikov <alexey.melnikov@isode.com>, imapext@ietf.org
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Subject: [imapext] Review of draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc2088bis-02
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Hi Alexey, I reviewed draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc2088bis-02 [1]. In Section 1: "The non-synchronizing literal is added an alternate form of literal, and may appear in communication from client to server instead of the IMAP [RFC3501] form of literal." I found the sentence unclear (is added an alternate form ...). The second paragraph in the Abstract is clear and I understood what the document specifies. "The non-synchronizing literal is distinguished from the original synchronizing literal by having a plus ('+') between the octet count and the closing brace ('}'). The server does not generate a command continuation request in response to a non-synchronizing literal, and clients are not required to wait before sending the octets of a non- synchronizing literal." The above describes the "non-synchronizing literal". The previous describes the usage of the "non-synchronizing literal". I suggest describing the "non-synchronizing literal" and explain how it may be used after that. In Section 1: "The non-synchronizing literal form MUST NOT be sent from server to client." The requirements notation is in Section 2. There are also the following RFC 2119 key words in Section 1: "If it finds this sequence, it is the octet count of a non-synchronizing literal and the server MUST treat the specified number of following octets and the following line as part of the same command. A server MAY still process commands and reject errors on a line-by-line basis, as long as it checks for non-synchronizing literals at the end of each line." Shouldn't the RFC 2119 be moved after Section 2? There is also the example at the end of Section 1 which uses "C:" and "S:". In Section 4: '"LITERAL-" extension is almost identical to "LITERAL+"' I did not find a section for "LITERAL+". Where is "LITERAL+" specified? " When any literal is larger than 4096, RFC 3501 synchronizing literals MUST be used instead." The word "bytes" is missing in the above sentence. "It then MAY proceed as described in Section 3." Why is there is a RFC 2119 "MAY"? Section 9 is about "To Do". What is this section about? The Abstract or the rest of the document does not mention that the document will be obsoleting RFC 2088. The document proposes to obsolete RFC 2088. The IANA IMAP4 capabilities registry references RFC 2088 for "LITERAL+". Why is RFC 3502 an informative reference? Regards, S. Moonesamy 1. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc2088bis-02
- [imapext] Review of draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc2088bi… S Moonesamy
- Re: [imapext] Review of draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc20… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [imapext] Review of draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc20… S Moonesamy
- Re: [imapext] Review of draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc20… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [imapext] Review of draft-ietf-imapapnd-rfc20… S Moonesamy