[imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNoAttachment
Josef 'Jeff' Sipek <jeff.sipek@dovecot.fi> Sun, 03 December 2017 23:58 UTC
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Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2017 18:58:35 -0500
From: Josef 'Jeff' Sipek <jeff.sipek@dovecot.fi>
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Subject: [imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNoAttachment
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I'm hoping to send these off to IANA by the end of the week, but I thought I should share these and get them reviewed first. (We are hoping to use these in Dovecot, and as far as I know the folks at Fastmail have been using these for a while.) Thanks, Jeff. --- Subject Registration of IMAP keyword $hasAttachment IMAP keyword name: $hasAttachment Purpose (description): Many mail user agents display a hint to the user that a particular email contains attachments. Without any help of the server, the user agent needs to fetch at least a part of the email to determine whether or not the email contains an attachment. This is not only wasteful of system resources, but it also causes a perceivable delay in displaying the mailbox contents to the user. The $hasAttachment keyword can be used by the delivery agent to mark a message as containing an attachment. The mail user agent can then efficiently check for the presence of this keyword and convey the information to the user in whatever way is appropriate. Private or Shared on a server: BOTH Is it an advisory keyword or may it cause an automatic action: ADVISORY When/by whom the keyword is set/cleared: This keyword can be set by either a delivery agent (through an internal mechanism) or an email client (using the normal IMAP protocol). The client must be able to set or clear $hasAttachment at any time. The keyword should be set when the delivery agent or a client has determined that the email contains an attachment. If the email does not contain any attachments, $hasAttachment should be cleared and $hasNoAttachment should be set instead (see note). Related keywords: $hasNoAttachment Related IMAP capabilities: None Security considerations: None Published specification (recommended): Person & email address to contact for further information: Josef 'Jeff' Sipek <jeff.sipek@dovecot.fi> Intended usage: COMMON Owner/Change controller: IESG Note: $hasAttachment and $hasNoAttachment are mutually exclusive. If more than one of them is set for a message, the email client MUST treat this as if neither of them is set and SHOULD remove both of them from the IMAP server. The exact meaning of "has an attachment" is left up to the implementors. The consequences of implementations disagreeing on what constitutes an attachment are minor, given that $hasAttachment is intended as only a hint to the user in the UI. --- Subject Registration of IMAP keyword $hasNoAttachment IMAP keyword name: $hasNoAttachment Purpose (description): Many mail user agents display a hint to the user that a particular email contains attachments. Without any help of the server, the user agent needs to fetch at least a part of the email to determine whether or not the email contains an attachment. This is not only wasteful of system resources, but it also causes a perceivable delay in displaying the mailbox contents to the user. The $hasNoAttachment keyword can be used by the delivery agent to mark a message as *not* containing an attachment. The mail user agent can then efficiently check for the presence of this keyword and convey the information to the user in whatever way is appropriate. Private or Shared on a server: BOTH Is it an advisory keyword or may it cause an automatic action: ADVISORY When/by whom the keyword is set/cleared: This keyword can be set by either a delivery agent (through an internal mechanism) or an email client (using the normal IMAP protocol). The client must be able to set or clear $hasNoAttachment at any time. The keyword should be set when the delivery agent or a client has determined that the email does not contain any attachments. If the email contains an attachment, $hasNoAttachment should be cleared and $hasAttachment should be set instead (see note). Related keywords: $hasAttachment Related IMAP capabilities: None Security considerations: None Published specification (recommended): Person & email address to contact for further information: Josef 'Jeff' Sipek <jeff.sipek@dovecot.fi> Intended usage: COMMON Owner/Change controller: IESG Note: $hasAttachment and $hasNoAttachment are mutually exclusive. If more than one of them is set for a message, the email client MUST treat this as if neither of them is set and SHOULD remove both of them from the IMAP server. The exact meaning of "has an attachment" is left up to the implementors. The consequences of implementations disagreeing on what constitutes an attachment are minor, given that $hasNoAttachment is intended as only a hint to the user in the UI. ---
- [imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNoAtta… Josef 'Jeff' Sipek
- Re: [imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNo… Neil Jenkins
- Re: [imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNo… Josef 'Jeff' Sipek
- Re: [imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNo… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNo… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNo… Josef 'Jeff' Sipek
- Re: [imapext] Registering $hasAttachment & $hasNo… Josef 'Jeff' Sipek