Re: [Insipid] draft-ietf-insipid-session-id-10: comments

"Paul E. Jones" <> Sat, 24 January 2015 00:42 UTC

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To: Brett Tate <>,,
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Subject: Re: [Insipid] draft-ietf-insipid-session-id-10: comments
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>>  I think the answer, regardless, is going to be that
>>  the 487 should have the same Session-ID value as the
>>  CANCEL or INVITE for the "remote" part.
>Is there a snippet within the draft (or an RFC) which supports that
>behavior? SIP has occasionally been vague about what can update stored
>information associated the dialog/remote-party (and what all gets 
>back during re-INVITE failure); I'm attempting to help avoid this draft 
>having the same issue.

Section 6 (first sentence) says that all non-intermediary SIP UAs must 
include the Session-ID header.  It then explains what the format of that 
message is.  There are no exception, except for CANCEL that we added and 
provisional responses.

>If your answer is correct, that means that the working group thinks 
>that it
>is better to use the received out-of-dialog CANCEL or INVITE local-uuid
>(instead of reflecting the mid-dialog modification) when populating the
>487's remote-uuid. The behavior seems atypical; I usually don't 
>consider an
>out-of-dialog CANCEL as being able to update mid dialog information (or
>mid-dialog updates forgotten before sending failure response).

These values should be the same, since they're part of the same 
"session".  Now, it's the definition of "session" that is purposely 
vague, but the OOD message should have the same UUID as the INVITE and 
other in-dialog messages.  Ditto for replies to those OOD messages.

>If your answer is correct, that means that the working group thinks 
>that it
>is better to use the received mid-dialog CANCEL or re-INVITE local-uuid
>(instead of reflecting a subsequent modification) when populating the 
>remote-uuid. The behavior seems atypical; I usually don't consider a
>mid-dialog CANCEL as being able to update mid-dialog information (or
>mid-dialog updates forgotten before sending failure response).

Is this just a repeat of the previous?

>What about my ACK questions? Should the ACK sent by B2BUA for the 487
>(after CANCEL) contain {A, B} or {A2, B} during the two situations? Is
>there a snippet within the draft (or an RFC) which supports that 

All messages related to the session should carry the same UUID values.  
If the intermediary is manipulating the exchanges (e.g., switching 
endpoints B with C, for example), it should know what UUID to send.

>To help avoid further confusion, I fixed my following questions 
>487 since I had accidently reflected To/From switching behavior instead 
>draft's local/remote switching behavior.
>>  >The CANCEL is sent outside of dialog and would
>>  >contain {A, N}. If the 487 from B contains the
>>  >same To tag associated with UPDATE's modification,
>>  >should the 487 indicate {B, A} or {B, A2}? Should
>>  >the ACK sent by B2BUA contain {A, B} or {A2, B}?
>>  >
>>  >Same questions except UPDATE occurs during a re-INVITE.
>>  >
>>  >The CANCEL is sent within dialog and would
>>  >contain {A, B}. Should the 487 indicate {B, A}
>>  >or {B, A2}? Should the ACK sent by B2BUA contain
>>  >{A, B} or {A2, B}?

The 487 should contain {B,A} (same UUID for same session).  I'm not sure 
what's leading you to suggest this A2 value.
