[iola-conversion-tool] Secretariat access bug?

Cindy Morgan <cmorgan@amsl.com> Tue, 31 January 2012 00:34 UTC

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Subject: [iola-conversion-tool] Secretariat access bug?
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While logged in to https://tracker.tools.ietf.org/ as a Secretariat user:

- When I click on the Telechat Dates link under the Secretariat heading in the sidebar, it redirects to https://tracker.tools.ietf.org/admin/iesg/telechatdate/, where all it says is "Permission denied."

- The Working Groups option under the Secretariat heading seems to be missing entirely from the sidebar.  (https://tracker.tools.ietf.org/iesg/wgactions/ does exist, but is not in the sidebar as it currently is on the production server.)


Cindy Morgan / Project Manager / IETF
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