Re: draft-noisternig-ipdvb-sec-ext-00.txt (Editorial NiTs)
Gorry Fairhurst <> Sun, 05 July 2009 08:24 UTC
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Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2009 09:01:37 +0100
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Subject: Re: draft-noisternig-ipdvb-sec-ext-00.txt (Editorial NiTs)
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Authors, I dent some comments and questions on the draft in a previous email. This email contains a few minor comments on editorial issues, that may improve the next version of this draft. Best wishes, Gorry --- /Another feature provided is called identity protection./ - This reads oddly, I suggest something like: /The method also provides identity protection./ --- /processing continues as usually/ - this should be /continues with the usual processing/, although it would be better to also cite a reference to indicate what this is. --- /On securing the ULE SNDUs, security is provided at the link layer as opposed to existing higher-layer mechanisms like IPsec [8] or TLS [11]. This allows them to be used in/ - This reads oddly. Is it possible to say something like: /This document provides security for ULE SNDUs at the link layer, iin contrast to higher-layer mechanisms, such as IPsec [8] or TLS [11]. This design allows higher-layer mechanisms to be used in/ --- /The security extension may use and benefit f/ - This isn't quite so, you would would need to update these mechanisms, a forward reference to the appropriate section where this is discussed. --- /The ULE security extension is designed to cope with both bi- directional and unidirectional links, as well as unicast and multicast settings./ - Could you replace /to cope with/ by /for/ - This would be a good place to identify the framework [RFC 4259] --- Please add abbreviations: GSE VPN SID etc. --- /Some of the main security services (mandatory or optional) that the security extension for ULE aims to provide are:/ - delete /aims to provide/? and say /provides/? --- /even if it got hold of the transmitted data./ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Can you rephrase in more formal English? --- /arguably the most important step on providing/ - Is it possible to say something like: /an important step in providing/ --- /While one solution for this is to use temporary addresses.... - is this text needed? (see other comments). --- Page 6: /digital signatures, may be used in order to assure source/ - I misread this. I don't think this talks about ordering, and so it would be better in this case to remove /in order/. --- / will not be able to derive a correct one./ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - True, it will be statistically hard, bit not impossible. --- Page 7: /received data is recent/ ^^^^^^^^^ - could this be better phrased? --- Page 8: /After the ULE base header, the security extension header follows./ - May be better as: /The security extension header follows the ULE base header./ --- Page 11: / In order to support shared SAs permitting bi-directional communication, an SAD should/ - May be better as: / To support shared SAs for bi-directional communication, an SAD should/ --- / Each set of Security Parameters contains information about:/ - May be better as: / Each set of Security Parameters contains:/ ---- /no security services at all,/ ^^^^^^ - delete /at all/? --- /Note that we do not describe/ - better, perhaps as: /This document does not describe/ --- /, as this is regarded implementation specific details./ - better, perhaps as: /. This is regarded as implementation-specific detail./ --- Section 7.3: / Such protocol should/ ^ - insert /a/. --- /Link-level security is commonly used in broadcast/radio links to supplement end-to-end security, and may not be treated as a substitute./ - A substitute for what? --- /A device may receive data from different MPEG-2 multiplexes, which both may allocate PID values independently./ - cite reference to another RFC? --- References: Some references are uncited, e.g. [5]. It may be helpful to consider citing [10] and [4] as informational background to issues they consider. These are already published and citing them where appropriate would help the reader understand issues that have already been discussed. --- Finally, The following word appears in several place: /Illegitimate/ This has some additional meanings that are not intended here - could you replace by unauthoried or unintended or something similar?
- draft-noisternig-ipdvb-sec-ext-00.txt Gorry Fairhurst
- Re: draft-noisternig-ipdvb-sec-ext-00.txt (Editor… Gorry Fairhurst
- Re: draft-noisternig-ipdvb-sec-ext-00.txt (Editor… Michael Noisternig
- Re: draft-noisternig-ipdvb-sec-ext-00.txt Michael Noisternig
- Re: draft-noisternig-ipdvb-sec-ext-00.txt (Editor… Gorry Fairhurst