Re: [ippm] Benjamin Kaduk's Discuss on draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data-12: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

"Frank Brockners (fbrockne)" <> Tue, 04 May 2021 18:16 UTC

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From: "Frank Brockners (fbrockne)" <>
To: Benjamin Kaduk <>, The IESG <>
CC: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Al Morton <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: Benjamin Kaduk's Discuss on draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data-12: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
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Date: Tue, 04 May 2021 18:16:39 +0000
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Subject: Re: [ippm] Benjamin Kaduk's Discuss on draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data-12: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
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Hi Ben,

Thanks a lot for the very detailed review - and sorry for the delay in responding. 
Please find comments and questions inline ("..FB"). 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benjamin Kaduk via Datatracker <>
> Sent: Mittwoch, 24. März 2021 05:44
> To: The IESG <>
> Cc:;;;
> Al Morton <>;
> Subject: Benjamin Kaduk's Discuss on draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data-12: (with
> Benjamin Kaduk has entered the following ballot position for
> draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data-12: Discuss
> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all email
> addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this introductory
> paragraph, however.)
> Please refer to
> for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I think we need some greater clarity on the relationship between IOAM "layers"
> and IOAM-Namespaces.  For example, in Section 4 there is a principle of
> "Layering" that seems to indicate that different layers operate entirely
> independently, such as might occur when traffic from one operator that uses
> IOAM is conveyed in a tunnel over a different operator's network and both
> operators use IOAM independently.  But in Section 5.3 we seem to see some
> discussion that IOAM-Namespaces can be used to enforce a separation of layers
> ("IOAM-Namespaces provide additional context [...] e.g. if an operator wishes
> to use different node identifiers for different IOAM layers"), and that namespace
> identifiers allow for determination of which IOAM-Option-Types need to be
> processed "in case of a layered IOAM deployment".

...FB: Roman's DISCUSS touched on a similar topic: Given that draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data is focused on the definition of data-fields, we created a "sister" document, which is to discuss all deployment related aspects of IOAM: draft-brockners-opsawg-ioam-deployment (we're working on an updated version as we speak). Namespaces are discussed in section 7.1,  layering is discussed in section 7.2, and domains are discussed in section 3. Tal is currently evolving the security section (reflecting Shawn Emery review comments). In the past IPPM WG meeting we concluded that we'd go for a WG-adoption call once the updated is available.

Are you ok to keep "data fields definition" and "deployment aspects" separated in the two different documents? Otherwise, we would need to create redundancies between the documents, making it harder to keep the different documents in synch.

> I think there is also some internal inconsistency relating to the role of IOAM
> transit nodes.  This may be localised in Section 5.2 where we see both that a
> transit node is one that "read and/or write or process [the] IOAM data" and that
> a transit node "updates one or more of the IOAM-Data-Fields" (i.e., always
> writes), but I did not attempt an exhaustive check for other instances.

...FB: Thanks for catching this inconsistency. The role of at transit node varies, depending on what type of IOAM Option-Type is contained in the packet, e.g.
* For the Tracing Option-Types (preallocated or incremental), a node will read the IOAM section (to understand what Option-Types in which namespaces are present). If the node is configured to operate as a transit node for the namespace-id present in the packet and a Tracing Option-Type, it'll also write new information into the packet (assuming there is space left) and it will update fields like RemainingLen.
* For "Direct Export" (draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-direct-export), a node will read the associated Option-Type and perform the associated data-gathering, but will not write anything to the packet for this particular Option-Type.
* For "Proof of Transit", a node will read the associated Option-Type and will update the fields of this data-type, as described in draft-ietf-sfc-proof-of-transit

So the "read and/or write and/or process IOAM data" is the right description, which captures the various roles a transit node can take. In the next rev of the document, we'll make sure that this is description is consistently used throughout the document.

> I don't think the definition of the POSIX epoch is correct -- it seems to be copied
> (roughly) from the definition of the PTP epoch (i.e., using midnight TAI as the
> reference) but all the references I consulted indicate that the POSIX epoch
> started at midnight UTC.

...FB: Great catch. Reference to TAI is indeed inappropriate. Looking at the entire section, would you be ok if we reference instead of trying to reexplain things?
I.e. we'd simply add a " For details further details on the POSIX time, including handling of leap seconds, see [reference above]" and we'd remove the sections on Epoch/Resolution/Wraparound/Synch, because those are rather restatements of what is defined in a much greater level of detail elsewhere. 

If you agree with the approach, we could go with the same approach for the other time formats - making the spec shorter and crisper.
We'd greatly appreciate your guidance.

> As foreshadowed in
> I think we need to have a discussion about the expectations and provisions for
> cryptographic (e.g., integrity) protection of IOAM data.
> >From my perspective, IOAM is a new (class of) protocols that is seeking
> publication on the IETF stream as Proposed Standard.  While we do make
> exceptions for modifications to protocols that were developed before we
> realized how important integrated security mechanisms are, it's generally the
> case that new protocols are held to the current IETF expectations for what
> security properties are provided; the default expectation is that a protocol is
> expected to provide secure operation in the internet threat model of RFC 3552.
> This draft currently only provides a brief note in the security considerations that
> there exists an individual draft (draft-brockners-ippm-ioam-data-integrity) that
> might provide ways to protect the integrity of IOAM data fields.
> Shouldn't the security mechanisms be getting developed side-by-side by the
> protocol mechanisms, to ensure that they are properly integrated and fit for
> purpose?  (This does not necessarily have to be in the same document and could
> be part of a cluster of related documents, but I don't think that an informative
> reference to a non-WG draft really
> qualifies.)

...FB: IMHO there is general agreement in the WG by now that we need to have security mechanisms clearly defined, though I don't think they have to be in the very same document. The main scope of draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data is to define the data fields for IOAM, rather than define procedures on how the fields are used, or even a new protocol. A good example is the proof-of-transit work (draft-ietf-sfc-proof-of-transit), which can leverage IOAM data fields for one particular implementation. That said, integrity protection is a special case. The procedures for integrity protection are obviously tightly linked to the data fields that they are supposed to protect, but the mechanisms might not be exclusive to IOAM. So personally, I'd agree that we should develop the integrity protection mechanisms in close association with the data fields itself but ensure the solution is as versatile as possible. The ”Performance and Diagnostic Metrics (PDM) team” (Michael, Nalini) already reached out – with the plan to investigate whether we can’t create a single solution which would cover PDM and IOAM – something that everyone would for sure appreciate. 

Since the discussion you've mentioned above, we've made quite a bit of progress.  We've not only created draft-brockners-ippm-ioam-data-integrity - but also agreed on a way forward in the WG to move from a discussion of options to solve the problem to an implementation discussion. I.e., the guidance from the last WG meeting was to focus on "Method 3" and spell this method out further. This would also allow us to move from an informative document to a standards track document. Here is the current WIP  - still needs more touches, e.g. reflecting the discussion that IPPM WG had at the last IETF meeting to reflect the needs to different deployments, i.e. deployments which require very strong protection and are ready to compromise performance for that and vice versa:

Given that draft-brockners-ippm-ioam-data-integrity was created as a result of the WG review and discussions - expectation is that it'll also be WG adopted (IPPM chairs, any view from your perspective)?
Now the big question: Assuming that draft-brockners-ippm-ioam-data-integrity would become a standards track document, does draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data need to wait for the work on ippm-ioam-data-integrity to finish, by e.g. forcing a normative reference? We should acknowledge that while integrity protection might be considered important for some future deployment, current uses of early implementations of IOAM or similar are in “limited and isolated domains” and they do well without an integrity protection solution. 

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks to Shawn Emery for the secdir review.
> I have grave misgivings about the proposed behavior that provides for a
> separate domain boundary at the granularity of IOAM-Namespace.  It does not
> quite rise to a Discuss because it is technically possible to implement successfully
> if done perfectly, but it seems incredibly risky and very hard to get right, and
> there does not seem to be sufficient motivation presented for the benefits of
> this behavior to justify the risk.  Specifically, by partitioning all IOAM behaviors
> by IOAM-Namespace, we require a node to know whether or not it is to behave
> as ingress/egress for a domain on a per-namespace basis.  In effect, it allows for
> a proliferation of as many distinct and partially overlapping IOAM Domains as
> there are namespace values, and whether a node is ingress (or egress) for any
> given domain has to be looked up on the basis of the specific IOAM-Namespace
> value.  I find this concerning because the security properties of the system rely
> on properly policing the domain boundary, so that IOAM markings from outside
> the domain are rejected at ingress, and IOAM data is not leaked out of the
> domain by policing at egress.  While we have ample evidence to suggest that it is
> feasible to maintain a single tightly controlled domain that properly polices
> ingress and egress (e.g., MPLS), I don't know of evidence to suggest that it is
> feasible to do so with a spate of partially overlapping domains where domains
> and domain membership are malleable based the interaction of configuration
> and in-band protocol elements.
> It seems incredibly likely that some domain boundary somewhere will be
> inadvertently permeable, and compromise the security properties of the system.

...FB: Your, as well the comments from other reviewers, show that the document needs to be even crisper on the role of namespaces. We'll need to address this for sure in the next rev. The role of namespaces is to provide additional context to IOAM data fields. The draft is quite explicit about namespaces: “IOAM-Namespaces add further context to IOAM-Option-Types and associated IOAM-Data-Fields.", i.e. they are not intended as e.g. a tenant-identifier or organization-identifier.  What we should definitively clarify further is that this additional context that namespaces provide is within a limited domain, i.e., an IOAM domain. An IOAM domain is an umbrella for all the groupings that are associated with a particular namespace-id within an IOAM domain.  This is articulated by Section 5.2. "An IOAM decapsulating node situated at the edge of an IOAM domain MUST remove all IOAM-Option-Types and associated encapsulation headers for all IOAM-Namespaces from the packet.". If in the next rev of the doc, we'd explain the purpose of namespaces a bit more using details and also clarifying that an IOAM limited domain is really an umbrella on top of the grouping that namespace-ids provide, would that help?

> Section 1
> (side note) There's perhaps something of a philosophical question of whether a
> mechanism really qualifies as "in situ" if it involves encapsulating the packet in a
> full-fledged tunnel (as at least the IPv6 encapsulation does, as is needed to add
> the additional EHs that hold IOAM data fields).  That said, I don't really have any
> alternative suggestions, and I am sure that IOAM is a well-established
> terminology, so this is just a side node.

...FB: Philosophical indeed :-) -- naming is always hard. Things started out with "in-band OAM" - which was considered inappropriate and there were a lot of discussions some 5 years ago - and it was Erik Nordmark who came up with the term "in-situ OAM" which everyone was ok with so far. 

> Section 4
>    Scope: This document defines the data fields and associated data
>    types for in-situ OAM.  The in-situ OAM data field can be
>    encapsulated in a variety of protocols, including NSH, Segment
>    Routing, Geneve, IPv6, or IPv4.  Specification details for these
> I found drafts (split between targeting ippm and "the relevant working
> groups") that would cover Geneve and IPv6, but not anything for IPv4.
> Are we fully confident that the aim is actually achievable for IPv4?

...FB: "Fully confident" are big words. We should probably change the sentence to include an "e.g." and only state protocols where there are progressing draft: "The in-situ OAM data field can be encapsulated in a variety of protocols, including e.g., NSH, GRE, IPv6, etc.". 

There's been efforts to also do something for v4, but those didn't go further than -00 so far:

>    Deployment domain (or scope) of in-situ OAM deployment: IOAM is a
>    network domain focused feature, with "network domain" being a set of
>    network devices or entities within a single administration.  For
>    example, a network domain can include an enterprise campus using
>    physical connections between devices or an overlay network using
>    virtual connections / tunnels for connectivity between said devices.
> If these virtual connections/tunnels do not provide cryptographic confidentiality
> and integrity protection, then the security considerations for IOAM need to
> include the full physical deployment scope including the underaly over which the
> overlay is constructed, not just the "administrative domain" as defined here.
> Furthermore, there seems to be a very questionable interaction between
> labeling the IOAM deployment domain an administrative domain yet allowing
> for multiple partially overlapping IOAM domains as distinguished by namespace
> ID.  Does the administrative domain have to encompass the union of all the
> different IOAM domains (as identified by namespace ID)?

...FB: IOAM domains are limited domains per RFC8799. As mentioned in the discussion on Roman's DISCUSS, we'll add an explicit reference to RFC8799. 
The assumption - and we should indeed make this clear in the text as you hint at - is that an all virtual connections/tunnels/overlay and underlays are associated to the one limited domain. 
And as mentioned above, your assumption of the admin domain (i.e., limited domain) being the union/umbrella of all the groupings associated to Namespace-IDs is the logical model the document follows.

> Section 5.2
>    An "IOAM transit node" updates one or more of the IOAM-Data-Fields.
> (per the discuss)
> The previous discussion suggested that even a node that only reads IOAM-
> DataFields is still considered a "transit node", and that updating the field
> contents is not necessary in order to justify that moniker.
> That said, the notion that a transit node is writing (e.g., to update trace option-
> types) seems to be prevailing throughout later portions of the document, so
> perhaps it is the text a few paragraphs earlier that is in error.

...FB: See the explanation above. It depends on the IOAM Option-Type what a transit node will do with the IOAM data-fields.

>    If both the Pre-allocated and the Incremental Trace Option-Types are
>    present in the packet, each IOAM transit node based on configuration
>    and available implementation of IOAM populates IOAM trace data in
>    either Pre-allocated or Incremental Trace Option-Type but not both.
> (per the discuss)
> Likewise, is this "populates" mandatory?

...FB: In case of Trace Options-Types, "populates" indeed makes sense, because the transit node will write information to the packet.

>    A transit node MUST ignore IOAM-Option-Types that it does not
>    understand.  A transit node MUST NOT add new IOAM-Option-Types to a
>    packet, MUST NOT remove IOAM-Option-Types from a packet, and MUST NOT
>    change the IOAM-Data-Fields of an IOAM Edge-to-Edge Option-Type.
> Almost all of this (not the Edge-to-Edge stuff) seems fairly tautological, in that if
> a node did that stuff it would be an encapsulating and/or decapsulating node,
> possibly in addition to being a transit node.

...FB: Agree that this states the obvious, but IMHO it also does not hurt either. Are you suggesting that we're rather remove the obvious pieces?

>    The role of an IOAM-encapsulating, IOAM-transit or IOAM-decapsulating
>    node is always performed within a specific IOAM-Namespace.  This
>    means that an IOAM node which is e.g. an IOAM-decapsulating node for
>    IOAM-Namespace "A" but not for IOAM-Namespace "B" will only remove
>    the IOAM-Option-Types for IOAM-Namespace "A" from the packet.  Note
>    that this applies even for IOAM-Option-Types that the node does not
>    understand, for example an IOAM-Option-Type other than the four
>    described above, that is added in a future revision.  An IOAM
>    decapsulating node situated at the edge of an IOAM domain MUST remove
>    all IOAM-Option-Types and associated encapsulation headers for all
>    IOAM-Namespaces from the packet.
> I can only make sense of this paragraph as a whole if the last sentence instead
> says "MUST remove from the packet [...] for all IOAM-Namespaces for which
> the node is a decapsulating node.  The current text says to remove literally all
> IOAM information for literally all IOAM-Namespaces, which seems to contradict
> the separation of namespaces depicted earlier in the paragraph.

...FB: Per the discussion above, the IOAM limited domain is a union/umbrella of all the groupings associated to Namespace-IDs. As such, if a node happens to be located at the edge, it would indeed remove all IOAM Option-Types from the packet.

> Section 5.4
>    A particular implementation of IOAM MAY choose to support only one of
>    the two trace option types.  In the event that both options are
>    utilized at the same time, the Incremental Trace-Option MUST be
>    placed before the Pre-allocated Trace-Option.  Deployments which mix
>    devices with either the Incremental Trace-Option or the Pre-allocated
>    Trace-Option could result in both Option-Types being present in a
>    packet.  Given that the operator knows which equipment is deployed in
>    a particular IOAM, the operator will decide by means of configuration
>    which type(s) of trace options will be used for a particular domain.
> Up in Section 5.2 we said that "each IOAM transit node based on configuration
> and available implementation" populates exactly one trace option type.  I think I
> can read the two statements as being consistent with each other, but it might be
> useful to harmonize the specific language used to make it very clear that these
> refer to the same behavior.

...FB: Good point - and we'll harmonized things in the next rev. These are some of the (unfortunate) artefacts of the document having many authors. 

> Section 5.4.1
> Just to check my understanding: when I first read the discussion of this being an
> "array" and there being a potential "Opaque State Snapshot"
> component, I assumed that the length of this opaque snapshot would need to be
> fixed per array element (i.e., as part of the namespace definition).  Having read a
> bit more, it seems that my initial assumption is incorrect, since there is a length
> field in the opaque state snapshot framing, and so a node parsing the array of
> elements will be able to skip over the approprate (variable) length for each
> element in the array.  Please confirm that my updated understanding is correct.

...FB: That is true. "Opaque State Snapshot" can have variable length which is defined in the "Length" field of Opaque State Snapshot (see

>    Namespace-ID:  16-bit identifier of an IOAM-Namespace.  The
>       Namespace-ID value of 0x0000 is defined as the "Default-Namespace-
>       ID" (see Section 5.3) and MUST be known to all the nodes
>       implementing IOAM.  For any other Namespace-ID value that does not
>       match any Namespace-ID the node is configured to operate on, the
>       node MUST NOT change the contents of the IOAM-Data-Fields.
> Though it may seem banal to do so, explicitly listing "change, add, or remove"
> might help avoid future questions of how to interpret this text.
> E.g., there is some similar text in RFC 2460 about "examined or processed" that
> proved to be highly controversial and was changed in RFC 8200.

...FB: Good point. Will do. Avoiding a future discussion similar to what 6man went through is for sure a big plus!

>       A node receiving an IOAM Pre-allocated or Incremental Trace-Option
>       relies on the NodeLen value, or it can ignore the NodeLen value
>       and calculate the node length from the IOAM-Trace-Type bits (see
>       below).
> Allowing an implementation to pick one or the other option like this introduces
> fragility to the system as a whole and requires strict controls that encapsulating
> nodes always set the value even if their implementation does not use it.  I would
> prefer if we had a single well-specified required behavior for all nodes, that
> could be easily tested for conformance.

...FB: Good point. We can simply shorten the sentence to "A node receiving an IOAM Pre-allocated or Incremental Trace-Option relies on the NodeLen value."
Calculating the length from the IOAM-Trace-Type bits was just mentioned as an alternate, though more complicated way. 

>       Bit 0  "Overflow" (O-bit) (most significant bit).  If there are
>          not enough octets left to record node data, the network element
>          MUST NOT add any fields and MUST set the overflow "O-bit" to
>          "1" in the IOAM-Trace-Option header.  This is useful for
>          transit nodes to ignore further processing of the option.
> This makes things awkward for a lot of the earlier statements that require transit
> nodes to populate trace data.  How is the document internally consistent in this
> regard, if transit nodes are both required to populate trace data and required to
> not add trace data?

...FB: The intended behavior of a transit node for any of the Trace Option-Types is: "Write information into the packet as long as there is space available". If there isn't sufficient space available, a transit node won't be able to write information to the packet. To avoid the transit node trying to write information to the packet only to find out that there isn't enough space, the overflow bit is to help the transit node determine whether there is indeed space available for the write operation. 
Any suggestion how we can explain this in a better/clearer way?

>       NodeLen - sizeof(opaque snapshot) in 4 octet units.  If
>       RemainingLen in a pre-allocated trace option exceeds the length of
>       the option, as specified in the preceding header, then the node
>       MUST NOT add any fields.
> What is the "preceding header"?  This seems like perhaps it originated in a
> description of a concrete protocol encoding of this data item and does not quite
> apply to the abstract description thereof.

...FB: Good catch - and you're probably even right on the origin. With e.g. v6 one would have an "Opt Data Len" field that could be evaluated - but this clearly does not belong here but into the associated protocol specific encapsulation spec (like e.g.,  draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-ipv6-options). We'll remove that sentence.

>       Bit 12-21  Undefined.  An IOAM encapsulating node MUST set the
>                value of each of these bits to 0.  If an IOAM transit
>                node receives a packet with one or more of these bits set
>                to 1, it MUST either:
>                1.  Add corresponding node data filled with the reserved
>                    value 0xFFFFFFFF, after the node data fields for the
>                    IOAM-Trace-Type bits defined above, such that the
> Just to confirm: this means that there cannot be any future allocations of bits to
> "wide format" items and thus that only bits 8-10 will ever consume 2 units each
> of four-octets?  (This does not preclude allocating two adjacent bits to indicate
> a single logical data item, of course, with appropriate error handling for when
> only one of the two is set.)

...FB: Another good catch - and excluding future allocations in "wide" format wasn't the intention from what I know. To simplify things, we can avoid the "either" behavior and simply state:

      Bit 12-21  Undefined, see section 8.2. for future registrations.
               An IOAM encapsulating node MUST set the
               value of each reserved bit to 0.  If an IOAM transit
               node receives a packet with one or more of the reserved bits set
               to 1, it MUST not add any node data fields to the packet, even for
               the IOAM-Trace-Type bits defined above.

>       Bit 23   Reserved: MUST be set to zero upon transmission and
>                ignored upon receipt.
> I note that this description for the "reserved" bit has a different specified
> behavior than the unallocated bits 12-21 (that require a node to fill the data with
> ones if the bit is set).  Do we have a sense for any ways in which this reserved
> bit's semantics could be used for future extensibility, vs being locked into these
> (basically useless) semantics forever?

... FB: The idea was to set aside a bit which won't be consumed for any additional IOAM-Trace-Type, but rather allow some future RFC to extend the Trace-Type bit field, in case there should ever be the need for it. Should we just state this here?

> Section 5.4.2
>    Some IOAM-Data-Fields defined below, such as interface identifiers or
>    IOAM-Namespace specific data, are defined in both "short format" as
>    well as "wide format".  Their use is not exclusive.  A deployment
>    could choose to leverage both.  [...]
> While the text goes on to clarify that, based on per-domain configuration, they
> can hold qualitatively different types of information, I still must ask if there is
> any entity that is or might be tasked with enforcing that there is consistency
> between the two fields (mostly for when they are different representations of
> the same information, but not necessarily exclusively so).

...FB: The main logic that the draft follows is to specify the syntax, but avoid specifying the semantics of the data-fields. That way the nodes can supply the information in their native format - and the interpretation would be happening in network management systems / analytics systems, which would transform and process the information in any cases. The combination of a particular data-field and the namespace-id should provide for the context to interpret the provided data appropriately. As a consequence, consistency checks would happen at the network management station.

> Section
>    Hop_Lim:  1-octet unsigned integer.  It is set to the Hop Limit value
>       in the packet at the node that records this data.  Hop Limit
> "In the packet" at ingress to, or egress from, the node?

...FB: Should be egress. We'll add this clarification.

>    node_id:  3-octet unsigned integer.  Node identifier field to
>       uniquely identify a node within the IOAM-Namespace and associated
>       IOAM-Domain.  The procedure to allocate, manage and map the
>       node_ids is beyond the scope of this document.
> Even if we attempt to leave allocation/management of node_ids out of scope
> for this document, I think we still need to talk about what goes wrong and how
> to recover in case of collision.

...FB: While the discussion of potential collisions etc. is important, draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data is probably the wrong place for the discussion, because it is a deployment consideration.
Would you be ok if we add this to the list of topics that we'd add to draft-brockners-opsawg-ioam-deployment?

> Section
> I kind of expected some note that the interpretation of the interface identifier
> fields here is (or might be?) going to be specified by the node they apply to and
> can only be interpreted in that context.  Or are these expected to be allocated
> by a central entity?

...FB: Similar to the note above: The focus is on specifying the syntax and leaving the semantics and even the allocation to a specific deployment. Which means, that IDs could be allocated centrally, or locally on the node. Personally I'd expect that latter to be the more likely, but it would be out of scope for the document.

> Section
>    The "buffer occupancy" field is a 4-octet unsigned integer field.
>    This field indicates the current status of the occupancy of the
>    common buffer pool used by a set of queues.  The units of this field
>    are implementation specific.  Hence, the units are interpreted within
>    the context of an IOAM-Namespace and/or node-id if used.  The authors
>    acknowledge that in some operational cases there is a need for the
>    units to be consistent across a packet path through the network,
>    hence it is RECOMMENDED for implementations to use standard units
>    such as Bytes.
> I guess I'm not sure that I understand exactly what this field should be indicating,
> even if my implementation does adhere to the recommendation to "use
> standard units such as Bytes" (which, by the way, could probably stand to be a
> stronger recommendation for a single distinguished unit chosen by the authors).
> That is, if I suppose that the node in question has some common pool of buffers
> that's shared across queues.  Maybe all the buffers are the same size, maybe
> not.  But in order to measure "occupancy", is it more important to know how
> many bytes are occupied, how many buffers are in use, or what proportion of
> the total buffers are in use?  Just knowing the number of bytes or buffers in use
> does not convey much information if the total capacity is unknown, and having
> 40 MB of buffers in use would mean something very different for a CPE router vs
> "big iron".  Can we give a bit more clarity into at least what portions of the
> semantics need to be set at a per-namespace level, even if we can't nail them
> down more tightly as part of the protocol spec?

...FB: Given that different devices are implementing scheduling/buffering in very different ways, it is hard to come up with anything that would meet all expectations.
Hence we're back to the "focus on syntax and leave the semantics and units definition to a particular deployment". 
Similar to what I mentioned above, we can add a discussion as you suggest to draft-brockners-opsawg-ioam-deployment.

> Section 5.4.13
>    Schema ID:  3-octet unsigned integer identifying the schema of Opaque
>       data.
> Just to check my understanding: the interpretation of this schema ID is per
> IOAM-Namespace, which is mostly going to be something maintained by the
> individual operators.  So in some sense each operator will have to maintain and
> publish (internally) a registry of these Schema IDs and avoid collisions.  Is this the
> sort of thing that is already a common practice, or is there a risk of operational
> fragility being introduced?

...FB: Expectation is exactly what you describe above - i.e., it would be the operator that maintains an internal registry.
Personally I don't have any experience with Opaque state snapshot deployments. Maybe others can chime in here.

> Furthermore, some of the Namespace IDs are not operator-managed, e.g.,
> 0x0000.  Is the opaque state snapshot functionality just not going to be used for
> those well-known namespaces?  If so, we should say so explicitly.

...FB: I don't think that there is an intention to exclude any fields from the "Default-Namespace-ID". The Default-Namespace-ID just indicates that no specific  namespace is associated with the IOAM data fields in the packet.

> Section 5.5
>    o  Random: Unique identifier for the packet (e.g., 64-bits allow for
>       the unique identification of 2^64 packets).
> We should probably say that this is generated using a cryptographic-strength
> PRNG (i.e., not rand()).  BCP 106 covers randomness requirements for security.
> Also, due to the birthday paradox, an actual 64-bit random identifier will
> produce collisions well before 2^64 packets.  Since these identifiers
> (AFAICT) need to be assigned in an uncoordinated fashion, the random
> allocation scheme may well be the best scheme (or "least bad"), but if that's the
> case I don't think we should make bold statements like "allow for the unique
> identification of 2^64 packets".

...FB: Good point - and it was also pointed out by other reviewers. And it indeed needs to be a random number (see draft-ietf-sfc-proof-of-transit-08, section 3.2.2) - as it represents the constant part of the polynomial used. We'll reword the section accordingly.

>    IOAM POT flags:  8-bit.  Following flags are defined:
> It's slightly surprising to me that the flags are defined as having global semantics
> across all POT values, as opposed to being interpreted in the context of the POT
> type they are used with, but that's not inherently problematic.
> Section 5.5.1
> Should we just say that the Namespace-ID, POT Type, and flags are as defined in
> Section 5 rather than repeating the definitions wholesale (or, as we currently do,
> having to modify the definition text slightly)?
> In particular (but not exclusively), it's pretty distracting to have Section 5 refer to
> "Bit 0" and "Bit 1-7" but Section 5.5.1 refer to the "P bit" and "R (7 bits)"

...FB: Good catch. We'll clean this up. Another left-over of "many cooks (authors) in the kitchen".

>    P bit:  1-bit.  "Profile-to-use" (P-bit) (most significant bit).
>       Indicates which POT-profile is used to generate the Cumulative.
>       Any node participating in POT will have a maximum of 2 profiles
>       configured that drive the computation of cumulative.  The two
>       profiles are numbered 0, 1.  This bit conveys whether profile 0 or
>       profile 1 is used to compute the Cumulative.
> Is it worth saying a few more words about how the P bit is used as a "generation
> count" for performing incremental/in-place updates of what profile to use, and
> that profile 0 can be repurposed for something new once all uses of its previous
> interpretation have been removed from the network?  ("No" is a fine answer,
> but it might be worth proactively allaying the concern that you can only have
> two profiles, ever.)

...FB: We can add a reference to draft-ietf-sfc-proof-of-transit, which details how the profiles are being used.

> Section 5.6
> I suggest giving some guidance as to whether the initial sequence number should
> (not) start at zero, for the fields indicated by bits 0 and 1.
> I note that draft-gont-numeric-ids-sec-considerations has some discussion
> supporting starting at non-zero values.  It seems that the "increment by one for
> each packet" behavior is needed, though, in order to be able to use this value to
> detect loss.

...FB: Good point - and something which IMHO would be a good fit for draft-brockners-opsawg-ioam-deployment

>       Bit 0    (Most significant bit) When set indicates presence of a
>                64-bit sequence number added to a specific "packet group"
>                which is used to detect packet loss, packet reordering,
>                or packet duplication within the group.  The "packet
>                group" is deployment dependent and defined at the IOAM
>                encapsulating node e.g. by n-tuple based classification
>                of packets.
>       Bit 1    When set indicates presence of a 32-bit sequence number
>                added to a specific "packet group" which is used to
>                detect packet loss, packet reordering, or packet
>                duplication within that group.  The "packet group" is
>                deployment dependent and defined at the IOAM
>                encapsulating node e.g. by n-tuple based classification
>                of packets.
> When both of these bits are set, are the contained values agglomerated into a
> hybrid 96-bit sequence number?  If so, in which order?

...FB: My understanding so far was either Bit 0 or Bit 1. We can clarify that in the next rev.

>       Bit 2    When set indicates presence of timestamp seconds,
>                [...]
>                packet is encapsulated into the tunnel.  Each
>                implementation has to document when the E2E timestamp
>                that is going to be put in the packet is retrieved.  This
> It seems a little awkward that an operator is going to have to base their
> processing logic on knowledge of what *implementation* the encapsulating
> node is, especially on a heterogeneous network.  But I suppose it would be an
> RFC 6919 "MUST (BUT WE KNOW YOU WON'T)" if we said that implementations
> had to allow configuring the different possibilities, based on the IOAM-
> Namespace...

...FB: True :-) - this is why we have namespace-ids. The namespace-id will (hopefully) help the backend systems apply the right processing logic to the data.

> Section 6.3 (POSIX-based Timestamp Format)
>       The POSIX-based timestamp format is affected by leap seconds; it
>       represents the number of seconds since the epoch minus the number
>       of leap seconds that have occurred since the epoch.  The value of
>       a timestamp during or slightly after a leap second could be
>       temporarily inaccurate.
> (If I'm wrong about the Discuss point, this description seems inconsistent with
> the POSIX epoch being midnight TAI.)

...FB: You're correct. Already covered in the DISCUSS section above.

> Section 8
> I note that the "RFC Required" policy lets ISE and IRTF stream documents
> allocate values, in theory without any IETF review at all.  It seems unlikely that
> this is what is intended in all of the cases where "RFC Required" is specified, such
> asa the 4-bit IOAM Trace-Flags registry that has only three unallocated
> codepoints.

...FB: Discussion on Francesca's DISCUSS concluded that we'd switch to "IETF review" - which is the process that all extensions in flight are following already.

> Section 8.4
>    0: 16 Octet POT data
> I'd suggest a slightly more descriptive name, as there may well be other POT
> formats that want to use 16 octets for their data.

...FB: Sure. We can add additional description and add the reference to draft-ietf-sfc-proof-of-transit.

> Section 8.7
> I suggest removing the sentence "Upon a new allocation request, the
> responsible AD will appoint a designated expert, who will review the allocation
> request." as it is not really accurate (the IESG appoints
> DEs) and is not helpful for the potential registrant.  It's arguably also needlessly
> restrictive, preventing the IESG from appointing an expert before there is a
> request to review.

...FB: Ack. Will follow your suggestion.

> Section 10
> "Direct Export" sounds like a self-induced DoS attack by traffic amplification, but
> that's probably more a matter to be discussed in that document, not this one.
> (Though, do we need to mention direct export here at all?)

...FB: As you know, this is a topic of ongoing discussion in the IPPM WG. We can remove the reference to direct export from the security consideration of this document. draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-direct-export is the more appropriate location for the discussion.

> We should probably say that the opaque snapshot, namespace specific data,
> etc., will have security considerations corresponding to their defined data
> contents that should be described where those formats are defined.

...FB: Ack. We'll add this note.

>    From a confidentiality perspective, although IOAM options do not
>    contain user data, they can be used for network reconnaissance,
> Given that we provide multiple fields that essentially carry opaque or operator-
> defined data, the blanket "do not contain" may be too strong of a statement.
> (What if someone decides to put a subscriber identifier in the namespace-
> specific data?)  So maybe "are not expected to" is more appropriate".

...FB: Ack. We'll follow your suggestion.

>    allowing attackers to collect information about network paths,
>    performance, queue states, buffer occupancy and other information.
> One possible application of such reconiassance is to gauge the effectiveness of
> an ongoing attack (e.g., if buffers and queues are overflowing).  I don't know
> whether it's particularly useful to mention that scenario here or not, though.
>    IOAM can be used as a means for implementing Denial of Service (DoS)
>    attacks, or for amplifying them.  For example, a malicious attacker
>    can add an IOAM header to packets in order to consume the resources
>    of network devices that take part in IOAM or entities that receive,
>    collect or analyze the IOAM data.  [...]
> Messing up the POT data seems worth calling out here as well (though the
> particular behavior when proof of transit fails is not defined in this document, of
> course).

...FB: Ack.  We can add a brief note on this here.

>    Notably, in most cases IOAM is expected to be deployed in specific
>    network domains, thus confining the potential attack vectors to
> Where does the "most cases" come from?  I thought the definitions restricted
> IOAM to the IOAM domain.

...FB: Excellent catch! We'll correct this one.

>                   Indeed, in order to limit the scope of threats
>    mentioned above to within the current network domain the network
>    operator is expected to enforce policies that prevent IOAM traffic
>    from leaking outside of the IOAM domain, and prevent IOAM data from
>    outside the domain to be processed and used within the domain.
> It would be great if we could provide a bit more detail on the scope of
> consequences if the operator fails to do so.

...FB: We can add more detail. That said - and other reviewers brought this up as well - the question is whether the discussion of potential risks and consequences really belongs into this document, or should rather be in the deployment-focused draft-brockners-opsawg-ioam-deployment.

> Section 12.1
> The 2008 POSIX reference has since been superseded by the 2017 version.

...FB: Ack.
> Abstract
> nits: NSH is not listed as "well known" at the RFC Editor's abbreviation list, so
> should probably be written out in full.  Also, please put commas before and after
> "e.g." (which will presumably help with the spurious double-space as well).
> Section 1
>    cannot be considered passive.  In terms of the classification given
>    in [RFC7799] IOAM could be portrayed as Hybrid Type 1.  IOAM
> RFC 7799 writes it with a majuscule 'I', not the numeral '1'.
> Section 3
> Please use the updated RFC 8174 version of the BCP 14 boilerplate.
> Section 4
>    Scope: This document defines the data fields and associated data
>    types for in-situ OAM.  The in-situ OAM data field can be
>    encapsulated in a variety of protocols, including NSH, Segment
>    Routing, Geneve, IPv6, or IPv4.  [...]
> s/field/fields/, and s/or/and/
> Section 5.3
>    A subset or all of the IOAM-Option-Types and their corresponding
>    IOAM-Data-Fields can be associated to an IOAM-Namespace.  IOAM-
> The way this is written seems to imply that any given IOAM-Option-Type is
> associated with at most one IOAM-Namespace, which I think is not the intent.
>    Namespaces add further context to IOAM-Option-Types and associated
>    IOAM-Data-Fields.  Any IOAM-Namespace MUST interpret the IOAM-Option-
>    Types and associated IOAM-Data-Fields per the definition in this
>    document.  IOAM-Namespaces group nodes to support different
> Presumably this ("MUST interpret") only applies to the option-type and data
> fields defined in this document?

...FB: Ack. We'll add this clarification.

>    deployment approaches of IOAM (see a few example use-cases below) as
> IIUC the meaning here is "IOAM-Namespaces provide a way to group nodes"
> and would be easier to read if formulated in that manner.
> The RFC Editor will probably have a hard time in this section with which things
> that end in 's' are possessives (and thus benefit from an
> apostrophe) and which are not, though it may not be an efficient use of time to
> try to tidy up before the document gets to them.
>    o  whether IOAM-Option-Type(s) has to be removed from the packet,
>       e.g. at a domain edge or domain boundary.
> there's a singular/plural mismatch here (irrespective of the "(s)" -- "whether an
> [option-type] has to be removed" vs "whether [option-types] have to be
> removed"
> Section
>    The "timestamp seconds" field is a 4-octet unsigned integer field.
>    Absolute timestamp in seconds that specifies the time at which the
> s/Absolute timestamp/It contains the absolute timestamp/
> Section
>    The "timestamp subseconds" field is a 4-octet unsigned integer field.
>    Absolute timestamp in subseconds that specifies the time at which the
> s/Absolute timestamp/It contains the absolute timestamp/
> Section
> Please use the exact same wording in the description of the Hop_Lim field that
> was used in Section (or just incorporate that definition by reference).
> (The node_id descriptions properly differ only in the 3-octet vs 7-octet phrase.)
> Section 5.4.3
>    An entry in the "node data list" array can have different formats,
>    following the needs of the deployment.  [...]
> This phrasing seems needlessly confusing.  Within a single "node data list" (i.e., a
> single packet), all the list entries have the same format.  What we want to be
> describing is that the per-entry format can vary across packets and across
> deployments.  So perhaps just "the format used for the entries in a packet's
> "node data list" array can vary from packet to packet and deployment to
> deployment".
> (Also, there's a singular/plural mismatch between "an entry" and "different
> formats".)
> Section 5.5, 5.6
> When we talk about how the different Data-Fields "MUST be 4-octet aligned",
> having the figure show a variable-height entry might be helpful; the current
> formulation looks like it's exactly a 32-bit field.
> Section 5.5
>    IOAM Proof of Transit Option-Type is to support path or service
>    function chain [RFC7665] verification use cases.  Proof-of-transit
> s/is to/is used to/
> Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
>       Seconds: specifies the integer portion of the number of seconds
>       since the epoch.
> I suggest writing out "the PTP epoch", "the NTP epoch", and "the Unix epoch" in
> the respective sections, to avoid giving the impression (via the definite article)
> that there is a single distinguished epoch, when there is not.  (Similarly for the
> Fractions.)

Thanks again for the really thorough review, all your comments and the nits you caught. Greatly appreciated!

Cheers, Frank