[ippm] AD Review #2 of RFC8321bis
Martin Duke <martin.h.duke@gmail.com> Tue, 15 February 2022 22:01 UTC
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From: Martin Duke <martin.h.duke@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 14:01:20 -0800
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Subject: [ippm] AD Review #2 of RFC8321bis
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Hi Giuseppe, This is looking good. 1) The one conceptual problem I'm having is what it means for a packet to be "unmarked". If marking involves encapsulation, no problem: some packets can simply not be encapsulated, or one can omit the header option or whatever. But if it's passive measurement because there's a bit in the header, this bit has to be set to something, right? So how would one mediate between flows that are to be measured or not measured in the latter case? 2) Some minor rewording of the new fragmentation language in section 4.4: OLD Nodes that fragment packets within the measurement domain MUST NOT replicate marks, but SHOULD mark the first fragment if they have the capability to do so. NEW Nodes that fragment packets within the measurement domain SHOULD, if they have the capability to do so, ensure that only one resulting fragment carries the marking bit(s) of the original packet. Failure to do so can introduce errors into the measurement. I would propose the following steps. A) address these points and publish draft-02. We'll save the diff to show the delta between 8321 and 8321 bis. B) Immediately reorganize the document as you intend and publish draft-03. Then we'll take it through IETF Last Call. Thanks Martin
- [ippm] AD Review #2 of RFC8321bis Martin Duke
- Re: [ippm] AD Review #2 of RFC8321bis Giuseppe Fioccola