[ippm] 1st AD review of rfc8889bis

Martin Duke <martin.h.duke@gmail.com> Wed, 01 December 2021 23:12 UTC

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From: Martin Duke <martin.h.duke@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2021 15:12:08 -0800
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Thanks for this doc. Here are some high-level comments in no particular

- My perception is that 8889 is an extension of the concepts in 8321, with
some common elements only defined in 8321, so 8321 should be a normative

- I am confused as to whether ECMP is covered by 8321 or 8889. The 8321
section on reordering talks about ECMP as a cause, which leads me to
believe it's to be covered; but in the intro 8889 claims this use case. I
suppose it depends on how much you're localizing the measurement?

- The intro claims that 8321 covers BUM traffic. Isn't multicast a classic
point-to-multipoint situation? Indeed, doesn't multicast involve packet
replication, which inherently breaks the packet loss mechanism?

- 8889 brings up IP fragmentation, but this seems like a general concern
for 8321 too. Although it probably ought to be written out in 8321 and not
here, this seems under-addressed here. Some questions:
 (a) if a router has to fragment a packet, should it replicate the marking
on all the fragments?
 (b) at a measurement point, is a packet "lost" if any fragment is lost?
what if the fragments entered separately in the network under test?
 (c) What if the marking location is not replicated across the fragments
(e.g. it's in the transport header)?

- Like 8321, there is a general problem with not addressing the fixed-N
marking scheme at all ("The equation is applied on a per-time-interval

- There is a hidden requirement here that there be a measurement point at
all possible egress points. Best to mention that.

- I don't understand the L determination when there are multiple marking
nodes (Sec 7). "The source measurement intervals can be of different
lengths and with different offsets" Some questions:
(a) What is a "source measurement interval"? Does it have anything to do
with L?
(b) So let's say that source nodes start marking at arbitrary times. Isn't
the "offset" then directly a function of L? And if so, how can we scale L
based on the offset m?
(c) if the idea is that there is a clock time when marking should begin,
then why isn't the value of A [clock skew] embedded in d sufficient?

- I can't understand the purpose of "delay measurements on a single-packet
basis" in Section 8. I cannot grok the context of Section 8.2 at all. What
are these techniques trying to achieve? This reads like an informational
exploration of options rather than a normative standard. 8321 has detailed
examples of sample measurements and how you derive a measurement; something
like that would be very useful here.
