[ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ippm-hybrid-two-step
Greg Mirsky <gregimirsky@gmail.com> Fri, 19 July 2024 22:58 UTC
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From: Greg Mirsky <gregimirsky@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 15:58:20 -0700
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Subject: [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ippm-hybrid-two-step
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Thank you, Martin and Bjørn. Your comments and feedback help improve this draft. Regards, Greg On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 2:10 PM Bjørn Ivar Teigen <bjorn@domos.no> wrote: > Same here, looks good! > > - Bjørn > > On Fri, 19 Jul 2024 at 21:03, Martin Duke <martin.h.duke@gmail.com> wrote: > >> SGTM. No further comments. >> >> On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 1:46 PM Greg Mirsky <gregimirsky@gmail.com> wrote: >> >>> Hi, Bjørn and Martin, >>> I thank you for the discussion. Bjørn's thoughtful questions made me >>> revisit the question raised by Martin: >>> >>> It's also disturbing to me that there doesn't seem to be strong >>> wire-image synchronization between the trigger packet and followon packet >>> via a common sequence number or something else. This could lead to >>> confusion at the egress. >>> >>> After considering your questions, I propose the following updates: >>> >>> - re-name Considerations for HTS Timers into Operational >>> Considerations >>> - move Deploying HTS in a Multicast Network into the new section >>> - update text as below: >>> >>> OLD TEXT: >>> This specification defines two timers - HTS Follow-up and HTS >>> Collection. For the particular flow, there MUST be no more than one >>> HTS Trigger, values of HTS timers bounded by the rate of the trigger >>> generation for that flow. >>> NEW TEXT: >>> Correctly attributing information originated by the particular >>> trigger packet to the proper HTS Follow-up packet is essential for >>> the HTS protocol. That can be achieved using characteristic >>> information that uniquely indetifies the trigger packet within given >>> HTS domain. For example, a combination of the flow identifier and >>> packet's sequence number within that flow, as Flow ID and Sequence >>> Number in IOAM Direct Export [RFC9326], can be used to correlate >>> between stored telemetry information and the appropriate HTS Follow- >>> up packet. In case the trigger packet doesn't include data that >>> distinguish it from other trigger packets in the HTS domain, then for >>> the particular flow, there MUST be no more than one HTS Trigger, >>> values of HTS timers bounded by the rate of the trigger generation >>> for that flow. In practice, the minimal interval between HTS Trigger >>> packets SHOULD be selected from the range determined by the round- >>> trip time (RTT) between HTS Ingress and HTS Egress nodes as [RTT/2, >>> RTT]. >>> >>> Attached, please find the updated working version of the draft and diff >>> that highlights all updates. >>> Appreciate your comments, questions, and suggestions. >>> >>> Regards, >>> Greg >>> >>> >>> On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 2:11 AM Bjørn Ivar Teigen <bjorn@domos.no> wrote: >>> >>>> Ok, thanks for the clarification. >>>> >>>> I still think selecting RTT/2 risks there being two active trigger >>>> packets at once. Imagine a sudden queue forming on the path so that the RTT >>>> grows by a factor of 2. Then there will be two active trigger packets at >>>> the same time. >>>> >>>> That might not pose a problem, in which case I'm fine with it. However, >>>> if the requirement to have only 1 active trigger packet at any given time >>>> is crucial for the operation of the protocol, it might cause unexpected >>>> issues. To say it in fewer words: Selecting RTT/2 means there MAY be more >>>> than one active trigger packet at any given time. >>>> >>>> Is the single trigger packet requirement there simply to limit the >>>> network load from HTS measurements or does it affect the operation of the >>>> protocol itself? >>>> >>>> Regards, >>>> Bjørn >>>> >>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 at 18:45, Greg Mirsky <gregimirsky@gmail.com> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hi Bjørn, >>>>> top-posting the remaining issue: >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>> - If I understand correctly there can only be one trigger packet >>>>>>> active at a time. That limits the measurement rate to one measurement per >>>>>>> round-trip. Is that correct? If so, this limitation should be more clearly >>>>>>> stated. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> GIM>> Your understanding of the requirement in Section 4.4 is >>>>>> correct. But I am not sure that the interval between trigger packets is >>>>>> bound by the RTT. I think that it is closer to RTT/2, as the measurement >>>>>> conducted are one-way. WDYT? >>>>>> >>>>> Bjørn: If the next trigger packet can only be sent once a response has >>>>> been received, then there will be a minimum interval of 1 RTT between >>>>> trigger packets, no? Am I misunderstanding something? >>>>> >>>>> GIM2>> HTS doesn't use request-reply mechanism, but follows the >>>>> unidirectional path of an on-path telemetry packet. RTT measurement may be >>>>> used to tune transmission of trigger packets. I'd suggest using RTT/2, >>>>> rather than RTT (although that would also work). >>>>> >>>>> Regards, >>>>> Greg >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Jul 4, 2024 at 1:43 AM Bjørn Ivar Teigen <bjorn@domos.no> >>>>> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Hi Greg, >>>>>> >>>>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 at 04:27, Greg Mirsky <gregimirsky@gmail.com> >>>>>> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Hi Bjørn, >>>>>>> my apologies for procrastinating to respond. Thank you for >>>>>>> your comments and questions. Please find my notes below tagged GIM>>. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Regards, >>>>>>> Greg >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 6:52 AM Bjørn Ivar Teigen <bjorn@domos.no> >>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> IPPM WG, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I support adopting this document. >>>>>>>> I do think it is a bit challenging to understand the motivations >>>>>>>> for the mechanism, but that can probably be easily fixed by adding some >>>>>>>> clarifying text and/or diagrams. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Here are my comments on the draft: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - Is one of the purposes of the two-packet approach to separate >>>>>>>> measurements from different domains from each other? (I.e. by having one >>>>>>>> ingress and egress node for each domain, but one trigger packet that >>>>>>>> triggers measurements at all of the domains) If so, perhaps adding a >>>>>>>> diagram will make that more clear. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> GIM>> That is an interesting idea, thank you. I imagine that an >>>>>>> on-path telemetry protocol is applied whithin a single domain because >>>>>>> revealing information about the operational state of the network is very >>>>>>> sensitive and proprietary from the standpoint of an operator. >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - Is the purpose of the trigger packet to signal each >>>>>>>> intermediate node to take a measurement immediately? The list of things for >>>>>>>> the intermediate node to do upon receiving a trigger packet does not >>>>>>>> include taking a measurement. Is that an oversight? >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> GIM>> A trigger packet is the packet of the hybrid measurement >>>>>>> protocol, e.g., IOAM-DEX or the Alternate Marking method. As I understand >>>>>>> it, such measurement protocols reflect the network conditions as >>>>>>> experienced by the trigger packet. In that sense, HTS is based on the >>>>>>> assumption that the measurements and operational state information are >>>>>>> obtained as that packet traverses the intermediate node. >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>>> - If I understand correctly there can only be one >>>>>>>> trigger packet active at a time. That limits the measurement rate to one >>>>>>>> measurement per round-trip. Is that correct? If so, this limitation should >>>>>>>> be more clearly stated. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> GIM>> Your understanding of the requirement in Section 4.4 is >>>>>>> correct. But I am not sure that the interval between trigger packets is >>>>>>> bound by the RTT. I think that it is closer to RTT/2, as the measurement >>>>>>> conducted are one-way. WDYT? >>>>>>> >>>>>> Bjørn: If the next trigger packet can only be sent once a response >>>>>> has been received, then there will be a minimum interval of 1 RTT between >>>>>> trigger packets, no? Am I misunderstanding something? >>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Best regards, >>>>>>>> Bjørn Ivar Teigen >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Fri, 22 Sept 2023 at 12:54, Martin Duke <martin.h.duke@gmail.com> >>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I agree that this type of work is in-charter. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I can't speak to whether this answers a big need or anyone would >>>>>>>>> deploy it, but I don't see a fundamental problem with adoption, assuming >>>>>>>>> there are satisfactory answers to the questions below. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I can see how something like this could go haywire, with followon >>>>>>>>> packets getting misrouted, reordered, or lost, and wonder if we have enough >>>>>>>>> experience with it to be a standard, or if we should instead aim for >>>>>>>>> experimental. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Some more minor comments: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I found the motivation in the introduction to be a bit hard to >>>>>>>>> understand, and the abstract could use a sentence or two explaining what >>>>>>>>> this protocol specifically does. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> IIUC since the last major presentation @IETF 113, the model seems >>>>>>>>> to have evolved from each intermediate node generating its own >>>>>>>>> followon packet, instead the ingress node generates one and each >>>>>>>>> intermediate node appends to the followup. I hope that's right? >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> It's also disturbing to me that there doesn't seem to be strong >>>>>>>>> wire-image synchronization between the trigger packet and followon packet >>>>>>>>> via a common sequence number or something else. This could lead to >>>>>>>>> confusion at the egress. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> What assurances are there that the followon packet followed the >>>>>>>>> same path from ingress to egress as the trigger packet? What are the >>>>>>>>> consequences of this not happening and remaining undetected? >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> This is not very important, but I find "hybrid two-step" to be a >>>>>>>>> nondescriptive name, and might prefer something like "IOAM Followon". >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Martin >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 11:28 AM Haoyu Song < >>>>>>>>> haoyu.song@futurewei.com> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> IPPM WG, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As a coauthor, I support the adoption of the draft as the WG >>>>>>>>>> document. The hybrid approach complements with the other IOAM approaches >>>>>>>>>> well and has its own merits. Thanks! >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Best, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Haoyu >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> *From:* ippm <ippm-bounces@ietf.org> *On Behalf Of * Tommy Pauly >>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:22 AM >>>>>>>>>> *To:* IETF IPPM WG <ippm@ietf.org> >>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [ippm] Call for adoption for >>>>>>>>>> draft-mirsky-ippm-hybrid-two-step >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hello IPPM, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> This email starts a call for adoption for >>>>>>>>>> draft-mirsky-ippm-hybrid-two-step. This draft has been around for a while >>>>>>>>>> and discussed several times on list and in WG meetings. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mirsky-ippm-hybrid-two-step/ >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-mirsky-ippm-hybrid-two-step-15.html >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Please review the document and email the list with your comments, >>>>>>>>>> and if you think IPPM should adopt this work. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> This call for adoption will last three weeks and end on *October >>>>>>>>>> 4th*. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Best, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Tommy >>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>> ippm mailing list >>>>>>>>>> ippm@ietf.org >>>>>>>>>> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ippm >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>>>>> ippm mailing list >>>>>>>>> ippm@ietf.org >>>>>>>>> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ippm >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> Bjørn Ivar Teigen, Ph.D. >>>>>>>> Head of Research >>>>>>>> +47 47335952 | bjorn@domos.ai | www.domos.ai >>>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>>>> ippm mailing list >>>>>>>> ippm@ietf.org >>>>>>>> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ippm >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Bjørn Ivar Teigen, Ph.D. >>>>>> Head of Research >>>>>> +47 47335952 | bjorn@domos.ai | www.domos.ai >>>>>> [image: https://understandingnetworkapis.com/] >>>>>> <https://understandingnetworkapis.com/> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Bjørn Ivar Teigen, Ph.D. >>>> Head of Research >>>> +47 47335952 | bjorn@domos.ai | www.domos.ai >>>> [image: https://understandingnetworkapis.com/] >>>> <https://understandingnetworkapis.com/> >>>> >>> > > -- > Bjørn Ivar Teigen, Ph.D. > Head of Research > +47 47335952 | bjorn@domos.ai | www.domos.ai > [image: https://understandingnetworkapis.com/] > <https://understandingnetworkapis.com/> >
- [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ippm-hy… Tommy Pauly
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Haoyu Song
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Martin Duke
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Bjørn Ivar Teigen
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Giuseppe Fioccola
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Tommy Pauly
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Bjørn Ivar Teigen
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [ippm] Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Bjørn Ivar Teigen
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Martin Duke
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Bjørn Ivar Teigen
- [ippm] Re: Call for adoption for draft-mirsky-ipp… Greg Mirsky