[IPsec] IPsecME virtual interim meeting (revised date)
Yaron Sheffer <yaronf.ietf@gmail.com> Tue, 30 April 2013 13:50 UTC
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Subject: [IPsec] IPsecME virtual interim meeting (revised date)
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Dear IPsec folks, The ipsecme working group is chartered to come up with a solution for transporting long IKEv2 messages over networks that do not perform IP fragmentation correctly, and as a result drop overly long messages, usually IKE_AUTH messages. Our original plan was to base the solution on IKE-over-TCP, however the author of this draft announced that he now prefers a different solution, similar to the (non-standard) IKEv1 Fragmentation payload that was implemented by several vendors (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc233251.aspx) We do not want to end up with a common but non-standard solution in IKEv2, which would practically guarantee interoperability issues. As a further data point, we are aware of IPR issues with Microsoft's solution; we have tried to clarify the issue with Microsoft but have not been successful yet. We would like to invite the group to a Virtual Interim Meeting (a.k.a. conference call), to discuss this problem. Potential outcomes of the meeting include: - The group decides that this is not an important problem. - This is an important problem and we have 1-2 people committed to author a draft along the lines of the non-standard IKEv1 mechanism. - This is an important problem and the group is happy to adopt draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-fragmentation (which solves the same problem in a somewhat different fashion). - The group still prefers IKE-over-TCP and there are committed authors to continue work on that draft. We propose to meet Thursday, May 16, at 9:00am PST (16:00 UTC, 12:00 noon EST, 19:00 Israel) for 1 hour. We will publish a bridge number a week before the meeting. Please let us know if the date/time absolutely doesn't work for you. We welcome and invite discussion of these issues on the mailing list before the meeting. Thanks, Paul and Yaron
- [IPsec] IPsecME virtual interim meeting (revised … Yaron Sheffer
- Re: [IPsec] IPsecME virtual interim meeting (revi… Valery Smyslov
- Re: [IPsec] IPsecME virtual interim meeting (revi… Yoav Nir
- Re: [IPsec] IPsecME virtual interim meeting (revi… Valery Smyslov
- Re: [IPsec] IPsecME virtual interim meeting (revi… Yoav Nir