Re: [IPsec] AD re-review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-ad-vpn-problem

Vishwas Manral <> Mon, 03 June 2013 17:33 UTC

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To: Sean Turner <>
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Subject: Re: [IPsec] AD re-review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-ad-vpn-problem
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Hi Sean,

Here is the latest draft with your comments incorporated.

WG/ Toby,

I have added one last requirement number 15 into the document for QoS.
Based on inputs from the WG, we can add/ remove/ or update the requirement.


On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Sean Turner <> wrote:

> On 6/3/13 1:02 PM, Vishwas Manral wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> My comments are inline:
>> Please incorporate the QoS issue brought up by Toby.I'd like to make
>> sure we have everything in the draft that the WG wants before issuing
>> the WGLC.I also think the TSV/RTG directorates/ADs will be interested
>> in that.
>> VM> I can incorporate it if the Working Group thinks the QoS parts
>> should be part of the aDVPN solution.
> Yeah it wasn't clear to me whether it should be part of the aDVPN
> solution.  Maybe the chairs can chime in on this one.
>  Can you explain the rationale for the following the changes to
>> requirement #5; I'm just not following it:
>> OLD:
>> 5. One ADVPN peer MUST NOT be able to impersonate another ADVPNpeer.
>> NEW:
>> 5. Any of the ADVPN Peers MUST NOT have a way to get the long term
>> authentication credentials for any other ADVPN Peers. The compromise of
>> an Endpoint MUST NOT affect the security of communications between other
>> ADVPN Peers. The compromise of a Gateway SHOULD NOT affect the security
>> of the communications between ADVPN Peers not associated with that
>> Gateway.
>> Is the first sentence still saying basically: "peers can't impersonate
>> peers"?
>> VM> Yes thats the idea in my view. Steve Hanna may have more omments on
>> this. Steve?
> Okay I guess that makes sense it just seems a little wordy but not worth
> holding the draft up for.
>  Nits:
>> - sec 1.1: Need to add what an ADVPN is and expand the acronym
>> VM> Should something like the below suffice:
>> VM> ADVPN - Auto Discovery Virtual Private Network (ADVPN) is VPN
>> solution that enables a large number of systems to communicate directly,
>> with minimal configuration and operator intervention using IPsec to
>> protect communication between them.
> yes
>  - sec 4/1.1: The terms allied and federated environment kind of come out
>> of nowhere.Please add them to s1.1.I just to make sure it's clear
>> what the difference is between the two.
>> VM> Here is what I will add to 1.1.
>> VM> Allied and Federated Environments - Environments where we have
>> multiple different organizations that have close association and need to
>> connect to each other.
> that'll work.