[IPsec] Reminder: Virtual Interim on IKEv2 and fragmentation: tomorrow

Yaron Sheffer <yaronf.ietf@gmail.com> Wed, 15 May 2013 14:22 UTC

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Greetings again. From the earlier announcement:

The IPsecME Working Group will hold a virtual interim meeting on
Thursday, May 16, 2013 via a phone bridge. The meeting will focus on
whether solutions are needed for fragmentation of IKEv2 messages, and
potential options in this space. For more background, see

The time for the meeting is:
9:00am PDT
16:00 UTC
12:00 noon EDT
19:00 Israel
The meeting will last 1 hour, maybe less.

The agenda will be:
- Introduction to the problem (Yaron and Paul)
- Discussion of draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-fragmentation (Valery)

It would be grand if people would discuss that draft on the list before 
the phone call as well.

The call-in details are:
Tele: +1 712-775-7400
Code: 809604#

Virtual interim meetings are like real IETF meetings in that we have to 
take attendance and have minutes. If someone would volunteer to be 
minutes-taker, that would be grand.

--Paul Hoffman