AH in IPv6

Naganand Doraswamy <naganand@ftp.com> Tue, 19 November 1996 15:35 UTC

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Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 10:21:37 -0500
To: ipsec@tis.com
From: Naganand Doraswamy <naganand@ftp.com>
Subject: AH in IPv6
Sender: owner-ipsec@ex.tis.com
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In case of IPv6, if the packet were to fragemented on the end host, do we
calculate AH before fragmentation or after fragmentation? RFC says that AH
is calculated before fragmentation on the sending side and after reassembly
on the receiving side. I guess it is possible to calculate AH after
fragmentation as the packets are not fragmented by the intermediate routers
in case of IPv6 and wanted to clarify which is the right thing to do. 

Am I correct in saying that AH is calculated before fragmentation on sending
side and after reassembly on the receiving side even in IPv6?


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