ANNOUNCEMENT -- New majordomo server
John Kelley <> Wed, 06 November 1996 13:12 UTC
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Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 08:02:53 -0500
From: John Kelley <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT -- New majordomo server
Precedence: list
ANNOUNCEMENT All majordomo lists, including this one, that have been maintained on, have been moved to This has allowed us to upgrade our software and hardware to hopefully provide much better mailing list service. There may be a few rough spots during the transition and until all the pieces are fitted together. One major temporary problem is that the access to the current list archives is not available at this time. Another announcement will not be made when they are available, but the info file for each particular list will mention that they are back. Please send any problems you may see about the new server to Commands to the majordomo@neptune address will be forwarded to the new server for the forseeable future. For the most efficient response to commands or postings, it is recommended using the or <list> addresses. Thank you for your patience in this matter. -TIS Majordomo Administrators
- ANNOUNCEMENT -- New majordomo server John Kelley