Re: [IPsec] draft-ietf-ipsecme-ike-tcp-01 comments

Yaron Sheffer <> Wed, 05 December 2012 10:55 UTC

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Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2012 12:55:29 +0200
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Subject: Re: [IPsec] draft-ietf-ipsecme-ike-tcp-01 comments
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Hi Yoav!

On 12/05/2012 11:41 AM, Yoav Nir wrote:
> Hi Yaron
> On Dec 5, 2012, at 9:59 AM, Yaron Sheffer <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In general, it seems to me we are trying to solve more than we
>> should, and we should punt on some of the NAT use cases, leave them
>> to configuration or to out-of-protocol solutions like STUN and
>> friends. Maybe even DNS SRV registration.
>> Specifically:
>> - In the new text re: the Initiator sending IKE_TCP_SUPPORTED, I
>> would change "prevented... by network address translation" to
>> "prevented by policy". There are different ways to prevent a peer
>> from being a responder, including firewalls, NAT or plain
>> configuration. All should be included here.
> I strongly disagree with this. As section 1.1 says, we are not trying
> to create a protocol to subvert policy, and NATs are not generally a
> tool for policy enforcement. They do, however, cause issues with
> connecting to port 500 of a host that's behind them. If the host is
> unreachable, it should not advertise its support for IKE over TCP. If
> it uses STUN and friends so that it is reachable at the NAT address
> on some port (usually referred to as "port forwarding") then it
> should advertise that port. I think this would be implemented as a
> configuration option, which you set after setting up the port
> forwarding, but if there's an automated way of doing this, that would
> also work, and I agree that we should not specify which it is.

I think we are saying the same thing here, and it's a question of 
wording. The Initiator should not send the notification if it cannot be 
reached (or does not want to be reached) for any reason at all.

>> - I'm feeling uncomfortable with the rudimentary NAT bypass
>> mechanism that we are proposing here: you're supposed to advertise
>> a port number on another device (on the NAT box). I am sure there
>> are loads of problems this will open up. Here's one: if we're
>> talking about a very large NAT device (one that uses multiple
>> public addresses), isn't it possible that the IP address allocated
>> for the static NAT of the IKE listening port is different from the
>> source IP address of the initial IKE request?
> I'm not assuming that the original responder learns the IP address of
> the original initiator by the source of the request. If it is so,
> then we need something better like an SRV record.

Now I'm not following. If the original responder does not _learn_ the IP 
address, then presumably the address is configured. In that case, you 
might as well configure the port number, too, and be rid of the 
advertising mechanism.

>> - Also, given the port advertising, do we still need the liveness
>> check described at the end of Sec. 3.2?
> Sure. The liveness check clears the way and tests reachability for
> IPsec, by using the same ports as IPsec.

>> Thanks, Yaron
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