[IPsec] Fwd: Hugh Daniel has passed away

Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Tue, 04 June 2013 22:56 UTC

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Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 15:56:48 -0700
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This is off-topic, but important historically. Hugh participated in the IETF's early standardization of IPsec both as an active implementer and as an agitator.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Paul Wouters <paul@cypherpunks.ca>
> Subject: Hugh Daniel has passed away
> Date: June 4, 2013 3:32:56 PM PDT
> To: ietf@ietf.org
> Hugh Daniel passed away on June 3rd after what appears to have been a heart attack.
> https://nohats.ca/hugh-of-borg.jpg
> Those who met him, know him. Principled to the core, and very present in
> any room, he compelled people to listen to him - both by what he said,
> and how loud he said it.
> He has made many contributions during the early days of IPsec and
> DNSSEC. He was a manager of the FreeS/WAN Project for many years and
> co-founder of The Openswan Project and recently The Libreswan Project,
> although his health prevented him from being as active and he wanted to
> be in the last two years.
> I met him for the first time at the CCC summer conference in 1999. Our
> car had broken down, and everyone around me suggested to find Hugh Daniel
> for help. He shone his freeswan photon light under the car, diagnosed
> the problem, and put in a quick fix we could carefully drive to a repair
> shop at 5km/h where we could tell the mechanic what to fix. We started
> talking about Linux, crypto and he recruited me for the FreeS/WAN and
> the goal to make the default mode of the internet encrypted. It is what
> started me on IPsec, Opportunistic Encryption and DNS(SEC). In 2003,
> he brought me to my first IETF in Vienna.
> Hugh, you are still causing a difference and we will raise a non-aloholic
> drink in your honour when we have reached the universal deployment
> of encrypted communication for everything.
> 	"When you're NAT on the net, you're NOT on the net"  -- Hugh Daniel