[IPsec] Comments on draft-pwouters-ipsecme-delete-info

Tero Kivinen <kivinen@iki.fi> Sun, 11 August 2024 00:14 UTC

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Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 03:14:49 +0300
From: Tero Kivinen <kivinen@iki.fi>
To: Valery Smyslov <smyslov.ietf@gmail.com>
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Subject: [IPsec] Comments on draft-pwouters-ipsecme-delete-info
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Valery Smyslov writes:
> I have some comments on draft-pwouters-ipsecme-delete-info that I
> tried to express at IETF120, but due to lack of time they were not
> responded to.
> 1. I'm very much concerned with the "Delete Reason Text" field. My
> primary question - in what language this free text explanation is
> supposed to be? I suppose
>     it is assumed to be English, but why do you think all customers
> in the world understand English well enough for this field to be
> really useful? If arbitrary language is allowed, then we need to add
> a language tag, otherwise it is generally impossible to even
> recognize what language the text is in. And allowing arbitrary
> language makes this field even less useful.
>     In general, I think it is a bad idea to transmit text strings to
> be read by users in a low level protocol which IKEv2 is. This is an
> UI issue, and it is the UI that should properly display to the user
> in a user chosen language what is happening.

I agree compeltely. I think having text is bad idea, and if you have
text you can't really specify it to be "UTF-8 or ASCII" text...

If the text is there, you do need it to be UTF-8, and you do need
language tag.

I would simply remove it. If it is only stored in the log, then it it
is better to store that log entry in the local log file of the entity
sending this notify and when you need to know what that text was, you
can call the other end and ask what does your logs say when they
disconnected me at this time using UNSPECIFIED reason code...