Re: Racing QM Initiator's

"Scott G. Kelly" <> Thu, 14 October 1999 17:49 UTC

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Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:24:24 -0700
From: "Scott G. Kelly" <>
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To: Valery Smyslov <>
CC: Sankar Ramamoorthi <>, Dan Harkins <>, Jan Vilhuber <>, Ben McCann <>,
Subject: Re: Racing QM Initiator's
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Valery Smyslov wrote:

> Another curious point - how IKE handles self-connect. Let us assume
> we have IPsec host A and an attacker injects IKE packet (src_ip = A,
> dst_ip = A, CKY-I = xxx, CKY-R = 0) into the network. A receives this
> packet and (naively) begins to act as responder creating state and
> replying with packet (src_ip = A, dst_ip = A, CKY-I = xxx, CKY-R =
> yyy). Then it receives this packet back, binds it to that very state
> and, most likely, rejects it (possibly with some error notification)
> because it is malformed from his (responder's) point of view. After
> some time state will die due to timeout. Is this scenario correct? I
> understand that this situation causes no particular harm and it is
> very easy to avoid by simple sanity check (compare IP addresses), but
> still, IKE seem to have no special treatment of it, have it?

Assuming policy is correctly configured (and implemented), this packet
should never reach the IKE implementation, should it?
