Re: replay field size straw poll

"Steven M. Bellovin" <> Tue, 11 February 1997 22:13 UTC

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To: Stephen Kent <>
Subject: Re: replay field size straw poll
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 14:14:20 -0800
From: "Steven M. Bellovin" <>
Precedence: bulk

		I concurr with all three of your points re anti-replay
	field size and hash size.  I'd also like to add
	the observation that I think we will have errors in
	implementations of the anti-replay windows, because of the
	need for the modular arithmetic (since we are not starting
	the counters at 0 or 1).  So, having a single size counter
	for both AH and ESP may further minimize the time it will
	take to get the bugs out of this code.

Since this isn't a sliding window counter (as the TCP sequence number
is), I suspect that the two's-complement arithmetic that is now
universally used will make most implementations just work.  It wouldn't
hurt to include a sample two lines of code showing the right way to
do the comparison, however...