[IPsec] IPSec responder cookie

Mohini Kaur <mohini_kaur@hotmail.com> Thu, 25 June 2009 12:38 UTC

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I have a doubt regarding the value of Responder cookie in ISAKMP protocol.

When I read RFC 2408, Sec 2.5.3, it tells that the initiator and responder cookie must be set to a random value. 

What I understand from this is, the responder cookie can have any value disregard to the cookie value from initiator.

But when I verify this in a Cisco device (initiator), it generates ISAKMP main mode message with initiator cookie (let it be X).

I send an ISAKMP main mode message, with responder cookie same as Cisco
device (X) or incrementing it by one (X+1), it is discarding. (However
it is processing the message with other values).

when I do the same in a Linux machine as in Cisco, it is discarding the
responder cookie with same value (X), however processing responder
cookie with value incremented by one (X+1).

Could someone explain me why Cisco and Linux validates ISAKMP main mode
message with responder cookie differently? And which is the right

2. Is there any other RFCs where I can get more information about validation of ISAKMP main mode message with responder cookie?

Thanks in advance.


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