[IPsec] IPsecME virtual meeting minutes, and way forward with fragmentation

Yaron Sheffer <yaronf.ietf@gmail.com> Thu, 16 May 2013 16:57 UTC

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As promised, we just had a virtual interim meeting to discuss IKEv2 
fragmentation. Please see the minutes below (thanks Paul!).

Following up on this meeting, we would like to confirm the decision on 
the mailing list:

- The group still thinks this is an important problem that needs an 
interoperable solution.
- We would like to abandon the work on IKE-over-TCP.
- And to work on IKEv2 protocol-level fragmentation, using 
draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-fragmentation as a starting point.

Please send your approval, disapproval or comments to the list within a 
week (until May 23).


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Proposed minutes for today

Virtual Interim Meeting, 2013-05-16
Minutes taken by Paul Hoffman

Yaron gave introduction
	Introduction superfluous
	We have little energy
	Maybe the draft should be individual draft with discussion on the list

Valery: is OK with this being Individual Submission
	Yoav: wants it to be a WG document
		Cisco has its own running code that is non-interoperable
	Brian: Cisco would have to do the eventual result anyway
	Yoav: Cisco is more likely to implement if they were part of the discussion

Yaron wonders if this is a problem that needs to be resolved
	Yoav: yes, and would rather work with an RFC
	Tero: the problem is still there, but it just won't be TCP
		The WG needs to have implementers reviews at the start

Yaron: do we want to stay with the current TCP-based solution?
	Brian: might be running on sensors that don't have a TCP stack
	Yoav: even he won't implement it

Yaron: is Valery's draft better than what several non-standard 
implementations of what IKEv1 did
	Yoav: just copying what IKEv1 did is probably wrong; doesn't know
	Valery: they implemented for IKEv1 based on Microsoft's implementation
		If we introduce negotiation in IKEv2, it won't be exactly the same
		The implementation will be different, but similar
	Brian: it looks very similar but using a Notify for signaling, which is 
an advantage

Next steps:
	Ask the WG
		Abandon IKE TCP
		Adopt Valery's draft

Blue sheet:
	Brian Weis
	Daneil Migault
	Paul Hoffman
	Tero Kivinen
	Valery Smyslov
	Yaron Sheffer
	Yoav Nir