Re: replay field size

Ran Atkinson <> Thu, 13 February 1997 04:01 UTC

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Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 03:45:21 +0000
From: Ran Atkinson <>
Subject: Re: replay field size
To: Derrell Piper <>,
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  The IPng Working Group decided a long while back that all headers used
with IPv6 MUST be 64-bit aligned.  If the IPsec WG wants to not support
64-bit alignment, that matter would have to be also raised for discussion
with the IPng Working Group for their approval (in addition to normal
IESG approvals).  In short, the topic of alignment is broader than just
the IPsec WG and will need broader review and consensus before it changes.

  This is just to clarify the process, not to argue pro or con.
