[IPsec] Comments on proposed draft-ietf-ipsecme-ad-vpn-problem-02

Brian Weis <bew@cisco.com> Tue, 11 December 2012 20:39 UTC

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Subject: [IPsec] Comments on proposed draft-ietf-ipsecme-ad-vpn-problem-02
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Hi Steve & Vishwas,

Here are a couple of comments on the proposed -02 sent a few days ago.

Requirement 1 says "gateways and endpoints MUST minimize configuration changes when a new gateway or endpoint is added, removed or changed." While I certainly agree with the sentiment behind the requirement, this statement is about as strong as "gateways and endpoints MUST perform well", or "gateways and endpoints MUST be easy to use". In other words, it isn't a testable assertion that can be evaluated. Also the body of the document says "it is desired that there be minimal configuration on each gateway", which does not support a MUST requirement. This ought to be a SHOULD rather than a MUST.

Requirement 8 has gone through several versions, but I think it could still be made clearer. It first requires Gateways and endpoints "to work when they are behind NAT boxes", and then makes a bunch of necessary exceptions. The following replacement text attempts to make the same points as the original but might be clearer:

   8.  Gateways and endpoints MUST have the capability to participate 
   in an AD VPN even when they are located behind NAT boxes. However, 
   in some cases they may be deployed in such a way that they will not be 
   fully reachable behind a NAT box.  It is especially difficult 
   to handle cases where the Hub is behind a NAT box.  Where the
   two endpoints are both behind separate NATs, communication between
   these spokes SHOULD be supported using workarounds
   such as port forwarding by the NAT or detecting when two spokes
   are behind uncooperative NATs and using a hub in that case. 

Requirement 14 says "The ADVPN solution MUST support Provider Edge (PE) based VPN's". This requirement seems unfair to the end point use cases in 2.1 and 2.3, or even gateway-to-gateway ADVPN solutions that have nothing to do with L3VPNs! I think you're trying to say it must be possible to build an ADVPN solution that meets the requirements of L3VPN, which I have no problem with but I don't think think this it's a fair requirement to put in Section 4. Is there anything beyond the new text you added in 2.2 regarding L3VPN that needs to be said?

There's a couple remaining nits:

Section 2.2: s/A fully meshed solution is would/A fully meshed solution would/
Section 4: s/This sectiondefines/This section defines/
