Re: "Transforms" per se going away?
Daniel Harkins <> Thu, 13 February 1997 01:42 UTC
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Subject: Re: "Transforms" per se going away?
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Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 17:46:36 -0800
From: Daniel Harkins <>
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Dan McDonald wrote: > *I* was under the impression that with the next round of base document > updates, the IPsec headers would move away from the "transform" concept, and > into a "pick an item off the checklist" concept. [example snipped] > PLEASE NOTE RIGHT NOW THAT THIS WILL NOT CHANGE THE BITS ON THE WIRE WHICH > ARE ALREADY WELL-DEFINED, AND WORKING IN MANY PEOPLE'S CODE! (Pardon my > shouting, that's a very important property though.) It will change many working ISAKMP implementations which also put bits on the wire in a well-defined manner. Doing away with the transform and making everything an attribute will change existing payloads and the way payloads are constructed and processed. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, just that these changes are not completely editorial and everyone needs to understand that. Dan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Harkins | E-mail: Network Protocol Security, cisco Systems | phone: +1 (408) 526-5905 170 W. Tasman Drive | fax: +1 (408) 526-4952 San Jose, CA 95134-1706, U.S.A. | ICBM: 37.45N, 122.03W ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For your safety and the safety of others: concealed carry, and strong crypto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "Transforms" per se going away? Dan McDonald
- Re: "Transforms" per se going away? Daniel Harkins
- RE: "Transforms" per se going away? Roy Pereira
- Re: "Transforms" per se going away? Stephen Kent