[IPsec] Preliminary minutes from today's meeting
Tero Kivinen <kivinen@iki.fi> Tue, 12 March 2013 19:44 UTC
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Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 21:43:01 +0200
From: Tero Kivinen <kivinen@iki.fi>
To: Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org>
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Subject: [IPsec] Preliminary minutes from today's meeting
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Paul Hoffman writes: > ...are at http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/86/minutes/minutes-86-ipsecme > > Please send changes *to the minutes* to the list. If you want to > discuss something that was discussed in the minutes, please start a > new mail thread. Thanks! (And thanks to Dan Harkins for turning > these around quickly.) Very good Dan... Thanks... Some comments: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * D-H tests for IKEv2 (Tero Kivinen) ... - tests are required if using ECDH or reusing public keys or ^^ using groups with a small subgroup. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- That "or" needs to be "and". I.e. test are required if using ECDH and reusing public keys. I.e. both are required. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Jabber! Yaron says "this is true already." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that reply was to answer to Paul's comment that the draft should support different types of groups we have out there. -- kivinen@iki.fi
- [IPsec] Preliminary minutes from today's meeting Paul Hoffman
- [IPsec] Preliminary minutes from today's meeting Tero Kivinen
- Re: [IPsec] Preliminary minutes from today's meet… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [IPsec] Preliminary minutes from today's meet… Daniel Migault
- Re: [IPsec] Preliminary minutes from today's meet… Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
- Re: [IPsec] Preliminary minutes from today's meet… Yaron Sheffer