Re: PPP over IPSec (without L2TP)?

Ari Huttunen <> Mon, 18 October 1999 20:10 UTC

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Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 19:03:13 +0300
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To: Paul Koning <>
Subject: Re: PPP over IPSec (without L2TP)?
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Paul Koning wrote:

> >>>>> "Ari" == Ari Huttunen <> writes:
>  Ari> ...
>  Ari> As to the re-ordering of packets by IPSec.. IPSec already does
>  Ari> sequence numbers. It shouldn't be too difficult to define a new
>  Ari> IPSec SA attribute negotiable by IKE that says "sequenced
>  Ari> delivery of packets required". The recieving IPSec
>  Ari> implementation would perhaps try to re-order packets during a
>  Ari> few milliseconds or whatever, and drop packets that come after
>  Ari> that.
> Yuck.
> Sure, it would be easy enough to add such an attribute, but adding the
> actual mechanism is quite another matter.
> Sequence protection doesn't belong in IP.  It hasn't been there for 30
> years, and it doesn't make sense to add it now.  I very much doubt
> that you could get agreement to add such a thing as a mandatory
> capability (certainly I'd object loudly) or even as a recommended
> capability.

Where's the beef? Using the same argumentation we'd never have,
for example, speech on top of IP, since "for more than 30 years
we've had speech on a telephone line.. etc."

Besides, IP is connectionless while IPSec in all its forms is
connection-oriented. (Not counting HIP.)

Ari Huttunen                   phone: +358 9 859 900
Senior Software Engineer       fax  : +358 9 8599 0452

Data Fellows Corporation

F-Secure products: Integrated Solutions for Enterprise Security