Re: comments on ...isakmp-mode-cfg-02

Tero Kivinen <> Mon, 23 March 1998 21:37 UTC

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Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 23:50:38 +0200
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From: Tero Kivinen <>
To: "Scott G. Kelly" <>
Cc: "Michael C. Richardson" <>,
Subject: Re: comments on ...isakmp-mode-cfg-02
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Scott G. Kelly writes:
> >  o  Minor Version (4 bits) - indicates the minor version of the ISAKMP
> >     protocol in use.  Implementations based on this version of the ISAKMP
> >     Internet-Draft MUST set the Minor Version to 0.  Implementations
> >                                                 ***
> >     based on previous versions of ISAKMP Internet-Drafts MUST set the
> >     Minor Version to 1.  Implementations SHOULD never accept packets with
> >                     ***
> >     a minor version number larger than its own, given the major version
> >     numbers are identical.
> > 
> >   Isn't the 0/1 minor numbers reversed? Previous == 1, current = 0?]
> I think so - I sent email to Doug Maughan asking about this just before
> v09 was released to the list, but figured either I was missing
> something, or that he didn't get the email in time.

No, they are not reversed. The old version number was 0.1
(major.minor) and now it is 1.0. So the major version number also
changes and of course we then reset the minor version number back to
 o  Major Version (4 bits) - indicates the major version of the ISAKMP
    protocol in use.  Implementations based on this version of the ISAKMP
    Internet-Draft MUST set the Major Version to 1.  Implementations
    based on previous versions of ISAKMP Internet-Drafts MUST set the
    Major Version to 0.  Implementations SHOULD never accept packets with
    a major version number larger than its own.

 o  Minor Version (4 bits) - indicates the minor version of the ISAKMP
    protocol in use.  Implementations based on this version of the ISAKMP
    Internet-Draft MUST set the Minor Version to 0.  Implementations
    based on previous versions of ISAKMP Internet-Drafts MUST set the
    Minor Version to 1.  Implementations SHOULD never accept packets with
    a minor version number larger than its own, given the major version
    numbers are identical.
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