Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway
Michael Richardson <> Wed, 04 December 1996 18:00 UTC
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Subject: Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway
In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 03 Dec 1996 18:17:41 EST." <v0300780caeca64224f60@[]>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 1996 12:50:15 -0500
From: Michael Richardson <>
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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- >>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Kent <> writes: Stephen> is the focus of this debate. I maintained that it makes Stephen> sense to use AH between a pair of firewalls ONLY if the Stephen> header is applied to a tunneled SA. Once we agree on Stephen> that, the rest ought to be easy. The disagreement has I thought we *DID* agree to that over the summer. ... i just spent some time slurping through the IPsec archives. Ick why aren't they at least in Mailbox or digest format? Argh. Please see for a MHonArc version of Jan-Sept. Chairs, if you'd like the mbox format it is there as ipsec.960?.mbox, or the perl script to produce them from what is there, '' is also in that directory. Unless requested, I won't be leaving the stuff there, it is large, and I'm on a single 64k B-channel. ... well I give up. Even after looking through things in thread mode, I couldn't find anything. Maybe it says this in the RFCs somewhere. I was sure that AH could not be used except as IP-AH-IP-AH was said sometime ago. Maybe it was said in 1995? :!mcr!: | Network security consulting and Michael Richardson | contract programming WWW: <A HREF=""></A>. PGP key available. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2i iQBVAwUBMqW5y9TTll4efmtZAQEKJwIAqzkujHGhuWruCNHffG4xGWDYOeR0eJS6 LqsIxyEuTuKeGsBA0TekP2Vo1ITowaywHl3noZJa9/IB6PMX+b135Q== =8JIP -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
- AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway pau
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway William Allen Simpson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway David P. Kemp
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Ran Atkinson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Daniel Harkins
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Hilarie Orman
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Bill Sommerfeld
- Re[4]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: Re[4]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Bill Sommerfeld
- Re[4]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Karl Fox
- Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Bob Monsour
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Steven Bellovin
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Brian McKenney
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Perry E. Metzger
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Brian McKenney
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Ran Atkinson
- Re: Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Ran Atkinson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Bill Sommerfeld
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Uri Blumenthal
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Daniel Harkins
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Naganand Doraswamy
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Steven Bellovin
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Steven Bellovin
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Dan Frommer