Re: Replay field size in AH
Ran Atkinson <> Mon, 10 February 1997 02:11 UTC
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Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 23:23:24 +0000
From: Ran Atkinson <>
Subject: Re: Replay field size in AH
Cc:, Rodney Thayer <>
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Rodney, My understanding has never been that AH would go away. AH and the proposed "ESP without encryption" do not have identical semantics. My understanding has always been that existing conforming implementations of AH/ESP would not be made non-conforming by any of the changes that Steve Kent is proposing. Ran
- Replay field size in AH Naganand Doraswamy
- Re: Replay field size in AH Ran Atkinson
- Re: Replay field size in AH Stephen Kent
- RE: Replay field size in AH Rob Adams
- Re: Replay field size in AH Ran Atkinson
- Re: Replay field size in AH Rodney Thayer
- Re: Replay field size in AH Stephen Kent