Re: Path MTU Discovery
Oliver Spatscheck <> Mon, 10 February 1997 16:05 UTC
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Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 09:01:08 -0700
From: Oliver Spatscheck <>
To: Ben Rogers <>
cc: Dan McDonald <>, "Angelos D. Keromytis" <>,
Subject: Re: Path MTU Discovery
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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- On Sat, 8 Feb 1997, Ben Rogers wrote: > >Then, we would see everything perform nicely, a la: > >Host -> Tunnelling Router 1 -> Tunneling Router 2 --A--> ... > >Where each router is doing rfc1828 MD5 tunneling (20 byte IP header + 24 >bytes of AH = 44 bytes total), and path A has an MTU of 500 bytes. This example only works for IPv4. IPv6 requires a MINIMUM MTU of 576 Octets. Which requieres your second router to do link specific fragmentation. This schouldn't be a problem in your scenario since r2 has to do link specific fragmentation anyway (MTU 500 Byte) . However if you assume a tunneling router with a link MTU of 580 byte and you add IP in IP the router suddenly has to do link specific fragmentation. Something he didn't do before. Oliver > >Packet 1: 1500 bytes, DF set > Tunneled by R1 (1544 bytes) (Dropped) > >Packet 2: 1500 bytes, DF set > R1 sends ICMP too big with size limit 1456 to host > Tunneled by R1 (1544 bytes) (Dropped) (An effort to rediscover a > "growing" MTU) > >Packet 3: 1456 bytes, DF set > Tunneled by R1 (1500 bytes) > Tunneled by R2 (1544 bytes) (Dropped) > >Packet 4: 1456 bytes, DF set > Tunneled by R1 (1500 bytes) > R2 sends ICMP too big with size limit 456 to R1 > Tunneled by R2 (1544 bytes) (Dropped) > >Packet 4: 1456 bytes, DF set > R1 sends ICMP too big with size limit 412 to host > Tunneled by R1 (1500 bytes) > R2 sends ICMP too big with size limit 456 to R1 > Tunneled by R2 (1544 bytes) (Dropped) > >Packet 5: 412 bytes, DF set > Tunneled by R1 (456 bytes) > Tunneled by R2 (500 bytes) > Received. > > > >ben > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBMv9GRjnVPgUZ7uZJAQGDWwP/aFlUYlzPN0AqyknfCEF4jKK/TWtGPn9H PU12zESdKmmzA2pRyZMo7EEFLU30Z2256WeuZsVVlbbJD4zZ4vJvNhIl31WCDFPX o6WBv+jLFemTSQOKfF8dlUtJRhQr4erh73pPL4IFxy2Xw5g4gyRXQuqG0mJvvdR/ 8U3NDPUFHdE= =j/qJ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
- Path MTU Discovery Angelos D. Keromytis
- RE: Path MTU Discovery Sanjay Anand
- RE: Path MTU Discovery Stephen Kent
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Dan McDonald
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Dan McDonald
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Angelos D. Keromytis
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Angelos D. Keromytis
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Craig Metz
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Ran Atkinson
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Dan McDonald
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Angelos D. Keromytis
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Ben Rogers
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Oliver Spatscheck
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Ran Atkinson
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Ran Atkinson
- Re: Path MTU Discovery Angelos D. Keromytis
- Re[2]: Path MTU Discovery Whelan, Bill