Re: [IPsec] IPsecME virtual meeting minutes, and way forward with fragmentation

Brian Weis <> Thu, 16 May 2013 23:55 UTC

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From: Brian Weis <>
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Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 16:54:51 -0700
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To: Yaron Sheffer <>
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Subject: Re: [IPsec] IPsecME virtual meeting minutes, and way forward with fragmentation
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On May 16, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Yaron Sheffer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> As promised, we just had a virtual interim meeting to discuss IKEv2 fragmentation. Please see the minutes below (thanks Paul!).
> Following up on this meeting, we would like to confirm the decision on the mailing list:
> - The group still thinks this is an important problem that needs an interoperable solution.
> - We would like to abandon the work on IKE-over-TCP.
> - And to work on IKEv2 protocol-level fragmentation, using draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-fragmentation as a starting point.
> Please send your approval, disapproval or comments to the list within a week (until May 23).

I approve.


> Yaron: do we want to stay with the current TCP-based solution?
> 	Brian: might be running on sensors that don't have a TCP stack

Someone made this comment, but it wasn't me. 

I did mention that the current TCP-based solution has the advantage of only re-sending the missing TCP segment, whereas current and proposed UDP-based fragmentation solutions re-send all packet fragments. That could be valuable for a VPN gateway with many peers with a lossy network. But that doesn't seem enough of a justification to stay with the current TCP-based solution.
